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plain and simple. they were identical and reagan could only tell them apart by their voices. she had her synaesthesia to thank for that, of course. she couldn't see any differences between their faces, maybe Travis was slightly tanner but it wasn't enough for her to bank telling them apart based on that.

it was their voices.

neither of their voices have dropped so to speak, but they had one difference that completely changed the way she heard their voices. well, tasted them, i guess you could say, but hearing is the best way to put it.

travis was the older brother. she learned that while the nature spirits were bring in their food and the brother started introducing themselves. as he spoke, her tongue started to taste a smooth dark chocolate flavour. it was so rich in flavour and reminded reagan easily of someone trying to re-create a hershey's chocolate bar with some stolen recipe and just couldn't get it right.

connor was the younger brother. he's the same age as both reagan and michael but he's just as mature as his brother - which isn't really sometimes brag about. if travis was the one to talk their way out of trouble, then connor would be the one to say something that would either make or break their claims of innocence. connor's voice has a taste of chocolate that someone was trying to melt but left it unattended for a second too long and was now clumping together. like someone took the recipe that made travis' voice and just left it alone for too long.

while travis was the smooth talker, he always had a hole in their story. connor would be the one to come up with a way to fill that hole, and it makes or break the entire heist. they completed each other that way.

when reagan was done explaining how she could tell the boys apart, they just started.

"wait, so... you got all that by our voices?" travis asked, his eyes wide in surprise.

"yeah, it's this weird thing my brain dose, sounds and colours sometimes mix in a weird way and i can taste it," she said, standing up with the boys as they walked over to the fire where other hermes campers were scraping food into the fire.

connor blinked and spoke, following the line, "yeah that's... usually how our pranks go down. I mean, we get into trouble and travis says something about how we couldn't of done it, but like-"

Travis cut in, "it never works!"

"-don't interrupt me! It never works, so I gotta come up with something and-"

"connor! travis! hurry up with your offerings already! we're hungry!" one of their sisters said from the table. the brothers rolled their eyes and travis pulled out a bag from his pocket, peanut m&ms.

"'kay do you guys know how burnt offerings work?" reagan and michael shook their heads, "alright, so you gotta burn the things you're gonna miss the most, and it catches your parent's attention because they like the smell or something. you pray to them and if they hear you, they might answer."

connor scraped in a bit of his greek salad and a few of the strawberries of his plate. at the same, travis tossed in the bag of m&ms. "hermes," they said.

reagan went next and copied their actions, scraping in some of her brisket and two of the best strawberries she's seen.

"for my dad, who ever you are. hope you enjoy."

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