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seriously, who? because whoever thought double booking the two biggest cabins to share the archery range at seven thirty in the morning might be next on reagan's 'i'm-mad-at-you-but-don't-want-to-make-you-think-i-don't-like-you-so-i'm-just-going-to-forget-about-it' list.

she needed a shorter name for her list.

reagan was shooting arrows with anna, minding her own business, when she suddenly had a tastes of chocolate in her mouth and two voices yelling in her ears.

"rearea!" the stoll brothers said in sync, causing the arrow reagan was holding to fire. it still hit the target, but broke her record of only hitting the two middle rings.

if anyone says they heard reagan scream or seen her jump a good three feet into the air, they are lying. that never happened and she is willing to pay people to not spread lies like that about her.

anna rolled her eyes at the two boys and told reagan to take a short break before leaving for her infirmary shift.

"hi reagan," michael said, standing a few feet away from the trio.

reagan gave the boys a bright smile. the stoll brothers looked half asleep, but based of their energy level she had a feeling they took something to wake them up. probably nectar, because the healing properties could restore energy in low amounts- while the stolls looked like they were about to pass out if they stopped moving, michael looked like he'd been up for hours, much like the apollo cabin.

reagan was praying she was right about his godly parent.

michael still had his bow on his back. The one he got while on the run with cedar. reagan smiled fondly remembering that night at their small makeshift camp, with an empty pop can that they'd been using as a target and about twenty arrows which kept missing. well, they kept missing because apparently michael was left handed with archery, and reagan kept laughing at his squinting eyes when aiming. as if that would magically make the target easier to hit...

connor and travis didn't have a bow, so they had to grab one from the table on the other side of the range, which left reagan and michael at the target she'd been practicing on. she made the same signal as anna had showed her to the mix of hermes and apollo campers and quickly grabbed the handful of arrows from the target.

"do i need to get my own target?" michael asked, and reagan simply shook her head.

"nope! we can share! plus, anna told me to take a break soon either way, I've been shooting arrows since... I think seven in the morning?" she took the quiver off her back and handed it to michael, "anyways, you try!"

the noiret nodded, notching an arrow and pulling back in the drawstring.

he loosened his grip and lowered the bow, "am i doing this right rea? i don't know- something feels off."

reagan tilted her head in confusion, "huh? what do you mean, mickie?"

he shook his head, "i don't- i don't know, but in the forest it was easier to hit the can. like the smaller target felt... easier? i don't-"

he shook hit head and reagan thought for a second. In the woods he was aiming specifically for the small can, and while she didn't have any doubt he'd make the target either way..."then don't try to just hit the target, try and hit the dot in the middle of the bullseye," she reasoned, pulling out a new target sheet to show him, "maybe if you have a smaller target it'll be easier? like some twisted demigod logic or something?"

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