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actually, she had missed quite a bit. when she finally woke up after healing clarisse's arm, it was early in the morning the next day. the infirmary room was empty, but she noticed a bowl of soup that had been left on her bedside table with a yellow envelope.

reagan pushed herself up with slight difficulty and once she was sitting up straight, she reached of the envelope. inside was two pieces of paper.

is was simple white paper but the ink was a glittering gold and there seemd to be a sun with a smiley face in the corner of the first page. it wasn't the neatest hand writing, and it was in english, so it took reagan a couple seconds to decipher the note, but she was pretty sire she knew who it was from.


hi, it's your dad. pretty cool of me to send you a handwritten note huh? Most gods just kinda send messages in their kid's dreams, but i'm not like other gods! i'm better! well, hermes sends his kids notes but that's his job, i did this all by myself, because that's how awesome i am and how cool i thought it would be to give you this note!

i was watching how you healed that girl's arm yesterday, that was so cool! maybe don't pass out after, that wasn't as cool... anyways, the singing? totally awsome! you should ask your sister aurora to write a song about me so you can heal people with it. here's some song names to give you some inspiration;

- the great apollo, the awsomest god
- a song for the sun because he's so cool
- healing people takes skill, let's ask dad!
- artemis wishes she was you, apollo!
- apollo, our lord and healer
- a song for leto's favourite twin
- the awesome apollo and his awesome kids
- healing children in the name of our dad!

the list went on like this until reagan was on the bottom of the last page... she had a feeling ally won't be writing a song with any of these titles.

anyways, ask your sister ellie to focus on teaching you healing! you have what it takes to be an amazing healer (like me!) but ellie knows what to do around the infirmary. just show her this note!

with all my glory and awesomeness,
your loving father,
~ apollo

just under that was a small note that he seemed to have added like a second thought, the hand writing a bit messier than it was previously but she could still make it out.

ps: i got hestia to make you some soup so you can get your energy back! isn't she the second coolest god ever? well, she can be the coolest goddess, i'm still the coolest god. keep the bowl and the note! i already have some in my totally awesome castle on olympus, you should visit!

reagan had a feeling her father would've continued with his note of explaining why he's the coolest, or the awesomest, or the best, or the most powerful... but seeing as there wasn't open space on the paper, reagan assumed he stopped because he ran out of room.

she looked over to the soup that sat on the nightstand. it was still warm enough to be steaming, so reagan assumed it was some godly enchantment from hestia or her father to keep it warm.

carefully, she picked up the bowl and brought in to her lap. when she tried it, she instantly felt a warm comforting feeling spread through her. it was what people described home felt like. reagan teared up at the soup. well, okay no, not the soup- well, it's good soup! but not good enough for her to actually cry over-

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