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she didn't know why, or what she would paint, but that morning she felt the need to sneak out of her cabin while everyone got ready for archery, and made her way to the arts and crafts area.

the arts and crafts area was bordering a temple to the muses and the gods and goddesses that favoured creativity and the arts.

on a normal day at camp, where the weekends are spent as free days more often than not, children of apollo, hephaestus, athena and even some children of the minor gods spend their time dedicating their projects to their parents.

like the dinning pavilion, it was built in the style of ancient greek architecture. with columns surrounding the area, and white stone floors that had splashes of paint littered all over.  though, one thing that stood out from the arts and crafts area was white sheets campers put up to keep their work away from the unwanted elements that may come from other areas in the pavilion.

behind one of the curtains was reagan's favourite area. the painting stations. she stood at one of the esals for what felt like hours, though it was only a few seconds. then, she started painting.

nearly an hour had passed by the time lee found her.

"hey rea, whatcha doing?" he asked, leaning on a table to the girl's right.

(although reagan didn't know this, and lee though it was a trick of the light, golden flecks seemed to dance around in her eyes. like drops of ichor in the sunlight, shimmering as the image on the canvas came to life behind her eyes."

"painting..." she responded, then added the last detail. the face of someone very familiar, hanging on by an arrow, "i'm almost done, is ellie gonna yell at me for sneaking out?"

lee walked over and his grin faltered for half a second as he looked at the painting, "uh, no... she won't mind. she left right after you to check up on luke and kayden. see if they were ready for capture the flag tonight."

reagan nodded and tore her eyes away from the painting, ignoring the confusions on lee face and hiding her own shock once she noticed the similarities between him and the boy in the painting.

"that's weird," lee whispered as he looked closely at the painting, "i just had a dream like this... well, in the dream i hit the ground and everything went dark, and there wasn't an arrow... but it's basically the same."

reagan tilted her head slightly, "huh, weird..."

lee shrugged, "crazy coincidence, i guess. let's go, i need to wrap my bow before archery and i don't want to be late again."

reagan gave him a smile and the two raced back to their cabin.

(lee refuses to admit the younger girl beat him, at least in front of their siblings.)



it had been a two weeks since reagan and micheal had stumbled over the hill of camp half blood, and somehow they'd never had the chance to play a game of capture the flag. despite the game being a weekly activity, between the party ponies last week and the two pre teens coming to camp the day after the games were to take place, they managed to just miss both nights.

so now, as the apollo cabin was running around gathering any magical items for the games - ranging from magic bracelets that transform into bow and arrows and arrows head that would release a piercing screeching sound thought the large forest - reagan's nerves began to flare up, though it could simply be mistaken as adrenaline.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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