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the answer? two identical sons of hermes.

while chiron was running an errand on olympus for the field trip supposedly going to happen in the winter, the party ponies from the east end chapter had paid them a visit. they (somehow) had gotten lost and now they where crashing at camp. according to the centaur going by the name of derek, they were attacked by a single hellhound and now needed medical attention.

reagan, despite her week of training with ellie and a few lessons on curing poisons with chiron prior to him leaving, reagan had no idea how centaur anatomy worked.

"ellie, derek looks like he needs a blood transfusion, shortness of breath, pale skin, he started chewing on the table leg too. not sure if that means something. what the hades am i supposed to do for that?"

ellie and the rest of her siblings were running around attending the twenty something party ponies that were laying on the grass near the big house. some had some satyrs tending to some minor wounds, others were just head butting their pain away not to far off.

"uh, i have some centaur blood here," she bent down and passed a redish bloodbag, "same as a normal blood transfusion but... i gave lee a bag for derek like fifteen minutes ago?"

anna walked over to the two girls, the blue latex gloves on her hand slightly bloodied and smoking a bit as she took them off, "i need some centaur blood, one of the party ponies needs a new bag. they said it went missing before someone could come check on them and see if the transfusion was completed."

"ellie!," michael called, running towards the three girls, the eldest of which had a very skeptical look on her face, "do we have anymore blood bags?"

"okay, what in hades is going on?"

reagan looked around to see if there was any indications as to what was happening, and found the stoll brothers taking bags of centaur blood from the laughing ponies. leaving ones with a camper near by on the iv drip and the ones attached to critically injured centaurs as well.

they had two full bags, and various others that were more empty then full, and they were laughing too much to be subtle as they ran away.

"travis! connor! get your scrawny butts over here!" ellie yelled, but the two boys just kept laughing and ran away faster, droops of centaur blood dripping behind them.

"ellie, those bag were dripping from their arms," reagan said, causing her sister to curse. centaur blood was toxic and it worked kinda like an acid, dissolving both organic and inorganic materials if left on too long - like anna's gloves earlier when they were smoking - but the blood bags were enchanted with nature magic. if the bags were dripping onto the ground and they were running off into the forest... never mind the forest (sorry to the satyrs and nymphs, reagan dose appreciate the beautiful forest, but still), if they some how got the blood on the boys it could start burning their skin off in hives and lumps, or best case scenario they'd have extremely bad rashes. never mind the dangers it would have on any living person, the stoll brothers had possession of maybe two letters of centaur's blood. that in of itself is a safety concern.

"reagan and anna, you two are fast. see if you can catch up with them?" the two girls nodded and placed down the medical equipment and raced off.

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