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it was their second day of the new schedule, and currently the two were sat on one of the empty cots in the infirmary. ellie kept giving Reagan hypothetical situations, like what to do if a camper sprained their ankle? what medical precaution should be taken when stitching up a wound?

"alright," ellie wrote down reagan answer to her previous question, "and what if there isn't any nectar to clean the wound? just mortal stuff."

reagan barely had to think about it, "wash the puncture skin with soap and water, then soak for fifteen minutes. clean out any dirt or grime by gently scrubbing. apply antibiotic ointment then cover to prevent risk of infection, re-wash every twelve hours for two days." the answer came out like word vomit, when she opened her mouth the answer just spilt out like she'd done it before.

"good! where do we keep our antibiotics in the infirmary?" ellie asked once again, not giving reagan any hits or indication of where it could be. when they got there that yesterday to prepare equipment for the day, ellie told reagan where to find everything. she wasn't asked to, but Reagan tried to memorize everything, in case of an emergency she'd have no problem with looking for things if her own.

"top..." she put her hands out, making an l with each hand, "that doesn't help, um... top left, second cabinet to the door?"

"right side, but yeah..." ellie paused for a second and pushed back the privacy curtain to glanced at the corner of the room with the cabinets, "no wait. left side, you're right. good job kid!"

reagan had no doubt that ellie knew where the equipment was, being head medic for years and all, but with dyslexia lefts and rights were hard. ellie wrote down on her clipboard and looked back at her list of questions.

"okay next question, what can cure-"

suddenly, the door was broken down by kayden and luke, the former with a giant knot on his head, probably from blunt force with the hilt of a sword. his eyes were unfocused. probably concussed. meanwhile, luke looked pained, liek he tore a muscle in his leg as he limped into the room.

"els! you gotta help him!" luke said, wincing as he walked.

"what happened," the red and pink haired girl asked. her voice was slightly panicked, and reagan could hear her heart speed up slightly.

ellie and reagan jumped up from the cot as the older girl helped kayden to the closest bed before he managed to collapse on the floor. luke managed to hop over to the roller chair and sat down. reagan didn't even need to look at his leg to know that a small piece of ambrosia would be enough to heal him.

after a quick thank you from the elders blonde, reagan ran to grab a cooling pack. she popped it and shook the cooling liquid around in the bag before gently placing it on the bruising bump on the brunette's forehead.

once luke could stand up again, he began explaining the situation, "our cabin had a mix training exercise in our monster's class, and one of the giant scorpions from the woods managed to get loose. we managed to kill it, obviously, but the scorpion distracted us. I don't know how but i managed to hit him pretty hard."

ellie's finger was glowing and she passed it in front of kayden eyes, maybe once or twice. no reaction.

"he's concussed," ellie said with a slight of relief knowing it wasn't too serious. she glared at luke, "you over dramatic as- apple!" reagan laughed at her poor attempt to censor herself.

luke raised his hands in a surrender type of motion, "hey i don't know! Maybe you were listening to music in her and i needed to catch you attention!"

ellie rolled her eyes and looked back at kayden, "if I didn't dye my hair, i swear it would be full of grey streaks from you two."

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