Troll caves and asthma

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Kílí's POV
It took a while to get out of the sack. When I was did I looked around and sighed. Then my eyes fell on my brother who was still stuffed in a sack. My blood began to boil. Not because he was still in a sack, but because of his position. He was situated right on top of Shania face down on her chest.
I growled and advanced to them. The first thing I did was wrench my brother off Shania. I had to restrain myself from breaking his nose. Once Fílí was removed I turned to Shania.
"Are you alright?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded.
"Yeah, nothing better than having your brother lying on me," she said sarcastically.
"I shall forever hold that against you!!!" Came Abi's voice from the spit. We looked at her, she smiled teasingly at Shania. Shania glared at her. If looks could kill, Abi would be worse than if she were to be mauled by Wargs at the moment. But she just smiled innocently.
Soon enough everyone was free and Thorin had us searching for a Troll cave. It didn't take long to find, seeing as the smell was overpowering. I decided to stay outside of the foul smelling place and went to sit on a log. As I was sitting there Abi came and sat down beside me.
"Hey hey," she said breaking the silence with her strange way of talking.
"Hello Abi, how was it roasting on that spit?" I asked. She smiled.
"Oh wonderful, nice and toasty," she said. I looked at her strangely. She was strange.
"So you like Shania don't you?" She asked suddenly. I froze.
"I like a lot of people as friends," I said trying to avoid the question. I saw her role her eyes out of the corner of my eye.
"You know what I mean," she said. I looked at her and sighed. She just kept staring intently at me.
"Well?" She asked.
"I don't know what you're asking me," I said once again dodging the question.
"Do I have to spell it out, do you like Shania as anything more than a friend?" She asked point blank. I looked up, a little surprised with her bluntness. I gulped, she didn't break eye contact.
"Because I don't want to see her hurt. If you hurt her I won't be the only one after you," she said a frown adorning her face.
"She my friend and I'll do anything for my friends just keep that in mind," and she was gone. I was left staring at the place she had been a second ago. I thought for a moment, do I like Shania as anything more than a friend? My musing was interrupted by my uncle emerging from the troll cave. He looked over at me and smiled slightly. For that moment my heart soared. It wasn't often that I get see that smiled. Suddenly there was a crash in the forest. Thorin turned, I could imagine a frown adorning his features.
"Something's coming!" He cried. We all started to get ready for a fight.
"Stick together, hurry now," Gandalf instructed. We all banded together when cashing into the clearing came a sled pulled by... are those bunnies?

Abi's POV
"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" Came the cry as a rabbit pulled sled came crashing into the clearing. The Dwarves bristled, ready to attack when Gandalf came forward.
"Radagast, Radagast the Brown," he said with a sigh, calming the Dwarves significantly "What on earth are you doing here?" He questioned.
"I was looking for you Gandalf, something's wrong, something's terribly wrong," Radagast said ambling up to Gandalf.
"Yes?" Gandalf asked.
"I... oh... Just give me a minute... oh, I had a thought and now I've lost it, it was right on the tip of my tongue. Oh wait, it's not a thought at all, it's just a silly old, stick insect," Radagast said pulling the insect off his tongue. The Dwarves looked on with disgust while I just giggled.
After Gandalf and Radagast had gone off I looked around for something to do. I found nothing, Laura was in a heated argument with Thorin, as usual, Dansoa and Shania went off with Ori to get the horses and all the Dwarves seemed to be in a heated discussion. Looking around once more I noticed Fílí and Kílí weren't doing anything much so I walked over to the two Dwarven princes. Kílí watched me come over with slight confusion showing I his eyes. Fílí who wasn't looking my way saw Kílí's look and turned towards me. His eyebrow raised at me.
"What brings a little Hobbit lass our way?" He asked with a slight twinkle of mirth in his eyes.
"Well it certainly isn't your good looks," I said. Fílí's eyes widened in surprise spurring a chuckle from Kílí.
"Don't flatter yourself Kílí, I didn't come over here to drool over you either, in all honesty I'm just really bored and everyone's busy apart from you two," the princes both nodded.
"So what are you two goofballs doing?" I asked.
"Goofballs?" Kílí asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Well I was either going to say that or idiots and it's probably not a good idea to call two princes idiots," as soon as the words had left my mouth Fílí and Kílí's eyes snapped up. I slapped a hand over my mouth.
"Shit, I wasn't supposed to know that," I said through my hand.
"How do you know that?" Fílí growled.
"Bofur let it slip the other night, I don't think he even realised what he said," I said the first thing that came to mind. The two Dwarves before me seemed to relax and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well so now that you know so much about us, why don't you tell us some more about yourself?" Fílí asked with a smile gracing his lips. I opened my mouth to answer when a howl pierced the air. I froze. Vaguely I heard Bilbo ask whether it was a wolf and Bofur's response of how it wasn't a wolf. I've always been afraid of dogs. Suddenly I was dragged out of my paralysed state by Fílí who was shaking my arm.
"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. Fílí watched me sceptically then started pulling me along. I noticed that Radagast had gone already and was distracting the Warg pack. Fílí dragged me along never letting me rest for a second. Although in this situation, rest isn't really an option. My breath was ragged, shit now is not the time for asthma to strike. Suddenly we stopped. I looked up and saw the Wargs running in front of us. We all backed up and hid behind a boulder. Silence came over the company and the sound of claws scraping over rock alerted us of the Warg that had lagged behind I covered my mouth with my hand to make sure my breath didn't give use away. In the tense silence I squeezed Fílí's hand tightly silently begging beyond hope that we would all survive.
I caught Thorin's look towards Kílí, I had to stop myself from whimpering as Kílí stepped out to shoot the Warg. As it came crashing down I winced at the noise it made. I looked up at Gandalf as he looked around.
"Move! Run!" We didn't need any more encouraging to get moving. I blindly followed Fílí driving my legs to as fast as they could, even as my lungs seemed as if they were about to burst.
"There they are!" Dori yelled. I looked up to see the Orks come into view.
"This way! Quickly!" Gandalf cried beaconing us over his way. We ran past him.
"There are more coming!" Kílí cried as they started to creep around us.
"Kílí shoot them!" Thorin cried. Kílí drew his bow and started to shoot any Orks or Wargs that got too close.
"We're surrounded!" Fílí cried letting go of my hand to draw his swords. I backed up so that I was standing with Laura and Dansoa. Both of them looked terrified. Shania was standing closer to the outside of our protective circle swords ready.
"Where's Gandalf?" Someone asked.
"He's abandoned us!" Dwalin accused.
"Hold your ground!" Thorin commanded. I looked around desperately.
"This way you fools!" Came Gandalf's voice. I knew I had to run but my legs wouldn't move, my vision was darkening.
"Abi come on!" Laura yelled. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me along. I looked up to see Fílí. Again he had been the one to pull me out of danger. I got a glance at Thorin's face as I was pushed down into the cave below. He looked worried.
"Kílí come on!" Thorin called. Soon enough the last few members of the company slid down the ledge into the cave. We waited the Dwarves and Shania with weapons ready. All I was focused on was regaining my breath. It wasn't going so well. I knew I wasn't get enough oxygen into my lungs with my wheezing. Panic was starting to take hold, the tightness around my chest and throat was becoming unbearable.
"Abi? What's wrong?" I looked up to see a blurred Fílí standing over me. I didn't even get a word out before I felt my lungs stop working at all. I grabbed my throat and chest as I fell to my knees.
"Abi?! Thorin something's wrong!!!" I vaguely heard Fílí cry. Suddenly I was surrounded by the others. Everything was getting really fuzzy. The last thing I felt before blacking out was someone picking me up.

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