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After school I said goodbye to my friends and started to walk home.

Normally I take the long way home but today I just wanted to go lay in my bed so I took the short way.

While I was about to put my headphones in, I heard someone call my name. I quickly turned around to see my younger brother and my mom. I felt so relived.

On the way home my mom told me that my little brother got sick so my mom had to leave work to pick him up from school. So she decided to stay home until I got off of school.

Once we got home I went inside, followed by my brother, and sat on the couch and turned on the T.V.


After I got out of the shower I dried my hair, put on my PJ's and hopped into bed.

I was slowly drifting off when I heard a scream and then a crash outside. I jolted to the window to find the source of the scream.


So I went to my bed once again and fell asleep.


Well at your request I made it a bit more detailed. what should be next? Comment.



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