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I frantically waved to the other car hoping it would see us and at the same time holding grandma.

"H E L P !!!" I yelled.

Sophie was driving so fast the car just flew by, then suddenly Max rammed his car into ours, I held on to grandma as tight as possible, closed my eyes and hoped he didn't catch us.

"HOLD HER!" Yelled Sophie.

" I'M TRYING." I yelled back.

Then suddenly Max slowed and we kept driving.

WE'RE FREE. HES GONE! I thought.

Sophie then smiled at me and I smiled and looked down at grandma now waking up.

"Is everyone okay?!" Said grandma.

"Yes we are fine" I said hopping in the back seat. Sophie then pulled over to help grandma out the car so she could drive.

Once they got back in I said "I wonder if he's okay"

They both turned to me and said "OH MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH Y--" " HE TRIED TO KILL US!" Sophie yelled cutting grandma off.

"I know but I just hope he's okay." I said as grandma turned and started driving.

"Still" Said Sophie. "Anyways, where are we headed?"

"Anywhere but here" Said grandma.

"Can I see my family?" I said.

She slowed and turned to me.

"Hun, we are your family now. Who knows if he's following us." Said grandma. "He most likely knows where you live and that will be the first place he will check."

"Agreed" said Sophie as grandpa sped up again.

**** Max's POV****

"Haha, they're so stupid thinking I will give up that easy. They clearly don't know all cars have trackers on them. What idiots."

As I turned to head back home I checked to see if I still had my gun.

"Shit. It's not loaded" I sped up rushing to go get some bullets and grandmas other car.

As I walked in the house I saw


Anyways, how is everyone ?
I'll update again soon. Just really busy with school and sports and hw. Y'all get the drill. But thanks for waiting <33



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