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I turned around, barley getting out of the bed.

"What did you just say?!" I said staring into his big beautiful blue eyes.

"I dont repeat myself." He said turning and walking out of "our" room.

"What?!" I said to myself while pacing back and forth at the edge of the bed running my fingers through my hair. I heard a knock at the door.

I stoped pacing and turned towards the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door knob turned and the door slowly opened.

"Hey." Sophie said with a smile on her face.

I didn't respond.

I walked quickly to the bathroom door, trying to get away from her. I didn't really feel like talking to her right now.

I closed the bathroom door behind me, leaving Sophie on the other side of the door.

"So Im guessing you're mad?" She said.

"No.. Im not mad..Im annoyed, sad, and pissed all at the same time." I said talking loud so she can hear me.

"I'm sorry." she said.

"Do you mind. I kinda have to go to the restroom." I said.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." I heard her walk out the door and leave.

I walked out of the restroom wanting to go outside. I walked up to the door, turning the knob.

I slowly opened the door trying not to make noise.

I walked down the stairs trying to find a way out.

I seen the front door open. I started walking to it.

No. Wait thats to risky.

I turned around to see Max smiling at me.

"Where ya going?" He said with a smirk on his face.

I didnt answer, just walked up the stairs, back into "our" room.

I heard Max following me. I turned around and just stared at him.

"What?!" he said.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

He walked up to me. I tried to walk backwards but I tripped and fell on my butt.

I gabbed my hand and picked me up. Before I could even stand up strait he kissed me.

" I love you." he said.

I pulled away and wiped my mouth.

"I dont love you." I said.

" But you said you did last time." he said.

I walked away into the room. This time I didn't hear him following me.

I walked back into the hallway.

"What are you doing?" he said frustrated.

"What are you talking about?"

"I was trying to talk to you but you just walked away." he said.

i walked back into the room and closed the door behind me.

I heard something buzz in one of the drawers.

I quickly walked over to his side of the room. I opened his drawer, took out all of his clothes and found my phone at the bottom.

It was a message from my mom, that read,

"Hey Cay, I was just wondering if you're doing good in Florida. I love you."

I slid the text to the right.

I heard the door open and Max walked in.

"What are you doing?!'' he yelled.

"Give it to me! Now!" he stuck his hand out.

I felt a tear run down my cheeks.

"Leave me alone." I said, voice cracking.

He jumped over the bed and took the phone out of my hands.

"How did you find this?!" he asked.

"Well..." I said turning my head towards his drawer, still crying.


Hey guys. Sorry for the boring chapter. :/ Thanks for 1K reads! :))


Marissa. :}}

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