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I started running down the stairs as fast as I could.

While I ran I heard a soft voice call me.

I stopped on the last step of the stairs and looked up, only to see a young girl. She looked like she was 13 or 14.

I slowly started walking towards her. Halfway up the stairs I heard loud footsteps running my way.

I mouthed 'Im sorry' to the young girl. I quickly turned around and hesitated to run.

Looking around for an exit I ran to the kitchen and noticed a back door leading to the backyard.

" CAYMEN RUN!" yelled the girl from the stairs.

I felt my heart beat a little quicker. I turned the nob to the door. It creeked when it opened.

I took a step.

Then I felt a firm hand grab a chunk of my hair and pull me back into the house.

My head slammed on the floor. I started seeing black dots. My eyes slowly going in and out of focus.

The last thing I saw was Max hovering above me smiling.

I heard him say, " Don't do anything that stupid again or I'll kill everyone you love."

*^* Caymens Mom's POV*^*

" Jason get down here!" I yelled.

I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

" Yes mom?"

" So I just got off the phone with the police, they said its been over 48 hours so they can report her missing." I said.

I could see tears forming in Jason's eyes.

" Please tell me they're going to find her." He said choking up.

" They will honey. They will." I offered a hug and he accepted.

" I'm going to try and call her again..." I said.

" You want to hang out today? and wait for them to call me back. We can worry together." I said as I tried to hold the tears back.

*^* Max's POV*^*

I I turned on the TV only to see the News channel on.

They put out a missing persons report on Caymen Silva.

My eyes grew wide as they announced her name. I turned off the TV. I quickly threw her over my shoulder and ran up the stairs.

Once we arrived in my room I heard a phone ringing.

I threw Caymen on the bed. Ran to my dresser, moved my cologne and found Caymen's phone with Missed calls from 'Mom.' I swiped to the right, and hesitated to text Ms. Silva back.

I texted back saying " I'm okay mom, I just wanted to spend a few weeks with my friends in Florida, I would've texted you before we left but I was scared you would say no. So I just went and when we got off the plane I wanted to call you but my phone died. I've just been so stressed lately with finals and SAT's I just needed some time to get away and relax. I'll call you when I get back. LOVE YOU." I pressed send and waited for a response.

*^* Ms. Silva's POV *^*

As soon as I was starting to give up, I receive a text from Caymen saying, " I'm okay mom, I just wanted to spend a few weeks with my friends in Florida, I would've texted you before we left but I was scared you would say no. So I just went and when we got off the plane I wanted to call you but my phone died. I've just been so stressed lately with finals and SAT's  I  just needed some time to get away and relax. I'll call you when I get back. LOVE YOU."

I couldn't help but cry as I read the text in my head. I looked up to see if Jason was still in front of me.

I yelled for him to come down stairs.

As soon as he got in the kitchen I ran up to him and showed him the text.

I looked in to his watery eyes and kissed him on the cheek saying " Shes okay."

I took my phone out of his hand and texted Caymen back.

" Okay honey. I was just worried about you. You should have told me. Me and your brother both love and miss you. Have fun! XOXO -Mom."

*^* Max's POV *^*

I heard the chime of the phone in my hand. I exited out of the pictures and clicked the text.

It read, " Okay honey. I was just worried about you. You should have told me. Me and your brother both love and miss you. Have fun! XOXO -Mom."

I put the phone back, and went to go lay next to Caymen.


Sorry I haven't updated in along time :/ I just haven't had any ideas. Hopefully this is good. :)



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