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I woke up still in the same room, I heard Sophie and Max talking outside of the door.

" I like her, don't hurt her. I really like her, I just want to have one friend around here!" said Sophie.

" Shut up. She's can probably hear us." said Max trying to be quiet.

"What do you think mom would say?!" said Sophie.

"Oh shut up! Go check if she okay." Max demanded.

I heard someone walk in to the room.

They slowly approached me. Sophie untied the ropes around my wrist and took out the cloth from my mouth.

"Are you hungry?" asked Sophie, voice soft and sweet.

"No. Just leave me here." I said.

" I can't, you weren't really supposed to answer that question." she said letting out an airy laugh.

We walked down stairs only to see Max in the kitchen, unboxing the what I think is Chinese food.


After I ate, I walked upstairs.

I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned around and it was Max.

Before I knew it he picked me up into his arms and took me into the room.

I tried to get out of his grip but he was to strong.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

From downstairs I heard a muffled voice say " Don't hurt her!"

"I love you Caymen." He said.

I put me on the bed and kissed my forehead and layed down next to me.

Why is he being so nice to me?

He turned on the TV and put on a random show.

I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up sore in between my thighs.

I heard Max in the shower so I went to the door. I listened for Sophie. She wasnt there.

I opened the door, walked halfway down the stairs and seen Sophie sitting on the couch watching TV.

Trying to be as quiet as possible I quickly ran up the stairs.

I ran back inside the room, closed the door and faced it with my hand on the doorknob.

"I see you want to leave." Said Max, making me jump a little.

I turned around and said "of course I do."

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