Meeting A Friend

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I stare blankly at the completely intact opera Populaire. My mouth opened and closed many times, but no words came out. I didn't know what I was going to say, so I just let it sit open.
I let the brisk air burn my throat, it still did not wane the pain in my chest but it felt fresh.
I closed my eyes trying to avoid painful memories that stab me as I look at it; flashbacks of happy times come. Like all the times we went shopping, getting my dress for the masquerade, even the times with Firmin.
I'd rather have it wrecked. So it could bring down all my memories with it, still there was a part of me that opposed all of it. But the pain was too much and I just wanted it gone.
The opera house actually looked not only intact, but cleaned and fixed up as well. Then I recalled the conversation me and Cat had earlier this week:
"Hey did you know the opera Populaire got bought? Apparently some rich guy came in the day it was supposed to be brought down and paid loads of money for it." She explained happily, I just stare at her, not really listening. Pain glazed over my eyes and I nodded numbly, staring out the window of my bedroom. "Cool."
Everything inside me screamed to run away, everything but my soul. But last time I trusted my soul it got broken.
Never again.
I slowly stepped back and started walking swiftly away from it. I was wandering in the streets aimlessly when I saw my favorite book store. I opened the door with a ring from the bell receiving a "hello" and a friendly wave from the book store owner, Mr.Romello. I nodded in an acknowledging and polite manner.
I bee lined to the romance-tragedy section and picked out a couple books: The Fault In Our Stars, Romeo and Juliet, and Titanic.
Jesus I really am depressed.
I'm binging on romantic-tragedies that I can relate to.
I set all the books down on the counter to check out. "Hey you can keep those for free, heard you were in a coma, it's the least I can do." Mr.Romello stated conversationally.
"Thanks, how'd you hear about it?" I asked, this was the most I had spoken since I woke up. Usually everything was a one word answer, three at the most.
"It was all over the news, anyways have a good night."
And with that I left, carrying my books down the street, the opera house came into view and I sighed exasperatedly. No matter where I would go, my legs would carry me back here.
My unused legs were now getting tired even with the minimal exercise so I sat down on a bench in front of the newly restored opera house. I stretched out on the bench and began reading 'Romeo and Juliet'. My eyelids were like weights and it became a struggle to stay awake, and soon I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

When I woke a man was poking my shoulder and I immediately popped up throwing my book and other belongings in a huge ring around me. "AHHHHH." I shouted in surprise.
The man started laughing and that's when I saw his face, he was handsome. With clear blue eyes and dark brown hair, he had strong features and was built very muscularly. Definitely a ladies man.
"Sorry to disturb you Madame, but it's quite late and you were asleep, and we would not want a pretty lady like you from getting hurt. The night is not a good place to be alone." The man chastised in a teasing manner.
I am far from pretty in the state I am now, but I was in no mood for talking. "Thanks." I grumbled back falling to my hands and knees to start picking up my items.
He bent down and helped pick up my things, he handed it all to me. "I'm Dexter by the way, but you can just call me Dex."
"Amiele, and you can just call me Amiele." I replied dryly, cracking a soft smile. He seemed friendly, and flirty, but not bad.
He chuckled and it was a very deep sound that reminded me of an earthquake.
"I've got to go." I broke the silence after his laughter stopped and he looked at me slightly disappointedly.
"Will I ever see you again?" Dexter asked hopefully.
I smiled at him. "Depends." I answered and walked away.
"Wait! This is yours! You dropped it." He called after me as I turned around, I stopped and he ran to my side, handing me the item I dropped. I took it and waved as he jogged fluently away, his baggy white shirt and skinny jeans blending into the shadows as he left the light.
My smile disappeared as I look down at the mysterious item.
It was a rose.
A single. Red. Rose.
A black ribbon was elegantly wrapped around the stem and strung through a note.
It read one word: 'Soon.'
My eyes widen at the word. Soon? What is that supposed to mean? Who is this person? I hope it's not a stalker....
I tucked the Rose into my pocket, aware that someone was watching me. It was him. The mysterious messenger.
I shuddered and continued home, picking up the pace as I went. Trying to decipher exactly what 'Soon' meant.

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