An Idea

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Our lips met in an excited mix of passion, finally reunited at last. I smiled into the kiss, this wasn't a dream.... He was here. And I was with him.
And that's all that mattered.
He pulled back slowly, keeping only inches away from my face. "I love you." He kissed me again, softly and slowly before pulling back again. "And only you."
He kissed me again faster and more heated this time, bringing his hand under my shirt and holding my bare back, drawing little circles with his thumb. His other hand was pressed against my upper back, holding me captive in his embrace.
This time I pulled back, lingering where our lips barely touched. "And I love you. And only you." And then I cupped his face in my hands, and freed him of his mask before kissing him with all my heart and soul again. One of my hands moved to his hair and the other to wrap around his back.
He pulled back smiling widely his eyes dark with lust. "we may want to stop before you catch a cold." He teased.
I raised an eyebrow, "hmmm and what about you?" I retorted playfully smirking as well.
"I will be fine," he glanced down to my chest and I felt my cheeks heat up. "And I don't know if I will be able to control myself with you wearing a white shirt like that."
I gasped and smacked him before looking down, I was wearing a white t shirt! And it was raining....
Oh god that's not good.
I stalked off towards the house, knowing he would follow. "What if I don't want you to control yourself?" I tried, turning to look at him, he shook his head and followed.
"I won't do it until I deem ready." He sis's after a while.
"So your like one of those gentlemanly people that has to wait for marriage?" I hummed looking at him from the corner of my eye as he caught up to me.
In an instant I was up against the wall by the door, it didn't hurt at all, considering I was a step away for the door. It scared me more than anything. His face was less than an inch from mine, his lips brushing against mine and his full body pressed against me.
He eyes were dark and his voice husky and seductive. "I may look like a gentlemen, but I am not one in this matters. I would gladly make you mine but I want to wait until you are ready. But you teasing me so does not make it easy."
I shuddered at his words but was not able to reply for he captured my mouth in his in a hard and deep kiss. Before I could kiss back though he pulled away and was inside the house. I stood there for a moment blushing like a manic before following him inside.
Erik was sitting on my bed, I could see his clothes dripping into the sheets. I moaned in annoyance before grabbing myself a towel and some clothes. "What's wrong?" Erik asked genuinely concerned, his voice betraying what he had done moments before. I blushed furiously at the thought.
"Your soaked, I'm soaked, my beds soaked." I explained exasperatedly grabbing him a towel and one of my huge shirts. I threw it all at him before disappearing into the bathroom and drying off and changing.
I came out to the sight of Erik shirtless. I had never seen his bare chest, but. Woah. It could be the eighth wonder of the world if you ask me!
His chest was muscular and strong, and he had defined abs that were easily seeable but not too evident. My heart skipped a beat and my mouth fell open, I could feel my whole body heat up at the sight.
My breath caught in my throat and my mouth went dry. His chest was practically hairless and as pale as the rest of his body.
"Done staring yet?" He questioned me while smirking widely.
I shook my head, "nope. Don't think I ever could be." My voice was raspy and dry sounding, it sounded like I swallowed sand.
Probably from looking at his bare chest, but I don't regret it. I plopped down on the bed after he put on the shirt I gave him. He sat beside me and enclosed me in his arms, pulling me onto his lap. My legs crisscrosses with his and my head lay on his chest. I sighed in contentment, "want to watch a movie?"
"Which one?"
"Phantom of the opera..?" I suggested smiling sillily.
His brow furrowed, "there's a movie about me."
I nodded, "yea, that's how I went back in time I think... It's also how I knew so much about you, and why I wanted you and Christine together. But now that you're mine, don't even think of going back to her, or anyone else for that matter." I explained, threatening him with my last sentence.
"I wouldn't dare; anyways I'd like to see this movie, about me, and it led you to me, so it must be good."
I grabbed the T.V. Controller and pressed play, watching as the credits started to roll on and the title screen came up.
This was going to be interesting, to watch Erik watch himself.
I pulled the popcorn into my lap, stuffing my mouth with a handful. Erik intertwined his fingers in mine, and I squeezed his hand. His green eyes stayed fixed on the screen and I couldn't help but smile.
Who knew I'd be with the opera ghost watching him watch the phantom of the opera?
Who knew I'd be in love with the legendary phantom of the opera?
I wouldn't have thought it.

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