Another Wedding

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"I'm so nervous Cat." I whispered as she fixed up my hair for about the twentieth time. She huffed in annoyance, probably at me hair, and i slightly moved my head to meet her face.
"HEY DONT MOVE!" She shouted shoving my head back in the direction it was first at.
A stab of pain coursed through my neck and i scrunched up my face in pain. "WELL SORRRRY!" I retorted sarcastically.
She huffed again and I felt her fingers working their magic on my hair. "Done!" She stated happily, I turned to the mirror and gaped at my reflection. The dress I wore was short sleeved, and the whole torso was lace. A thin belt wrapped around my waist and below there was a simple white flowing material with lace flowers patches. My eyes went to admire Cat's handiwork; a beautiful braid swept across both sides of my head with a sloppy bun tucked in the back. Small red roses were strung throughout my dirty blonde locks and I couldn't help but smile widely.
"Thank you so much Cat! It's beautiful!" I whispered excitedly while turning to embrace her.
She stuck out her hand and placed it on my chest. "Don't mess up your hair now, let's get ready, your about to walk down the isle."
I felt my face pale at the thought of walking down the isle. What if I tripped? What if I forgot my vows? What if Erik didn't want to go though with our marriage?!
I felt my breathing quicken in scared anticipation, I was beginning to regret this. "It's too late to go back now, so woman up and go through with it." Cat reassured toughly.
I nodded and took control of my breathing, I closed my eyes slowly and tried to calm my bearing heart. "It's time." I heard Jordan call out from the corner of my place.
My eyes snapped open and I stood up shakily, I felt someone take my arm and I met the warm face of my father.
I was extremely surprised when they allowed me to get married, actually, more so when they gave us their blessing.
My father led me to the isle, where we stood waiting. I smiled in anticipation, trying to cover up my real fear by looking at the ground. "Look up darling, there is a beautiful sight in front of you." My father whispered encouragingly. I slowly looked up, scanning over the small crowd gathered. Relatives of mine, friends of mine, and some people from Erik's business. Mostly people related to me.
Roses littered the ground and a roses of every color were strong up all around. It was all white, beside the dark mahogany wood of the tables and chairs.
Drinks and food were set up on a table, and a tent was pitched for the first dance. My eyes landed on the priest, dressed up in all white, with a golden cross on his hat. He held a bible int he crook of his arm and smiled at me, his wrinkly face scrunching up at the motion.
My eyes slowly danced to the groom, my future husband, my love, my Erik.
He wore a dashing black suit, with a white undershirt and a silky black tie. His hair was slicked back as normal and his green eyes popped from all the lack of color. His face was as handsome as ever, with the stark white mask covering half of it. My breath caught in my throat and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.
He looked so ravishing... 'Don't have such thoughts! It's your wedding...' I scolded myself.
My feet began moving in sync with my father without me even knowing it, and soon I was standing before Erik, my hands in his.
His eyes held so much passion and love I felt like I was going to melt under his gaze. He was trying desperately not to look down but caught his eyes flick to my dress. They immediately darkened and I couldn't help but smile at seeing him shift uncomfortably.
"Now for the vows." The priest stated, signaling for us to state our love promises. HAD THINGS REALLY GONE THAT FAST?! I shouted to myself as I visibly tensed.
Dexter stepped forward with the rings, Erik took his hand from mine and groaned my ring, and held it between his index finger and thumb.
He noticed my tenseness and squeezed my hand before replying. "Amiele, this is quite hard for me, to sum up how much I love you without talking for hours on end. There's not a single thing I don't love about you, and if you would have been gone, those oh so many days ago. I would be nothing without you, and I would always without you at my side. I love you more than words can explain." Erik said, a smile crying at his lips as his voice cracked as he tried desperately not to cry. He slipped the ring onto my finger and I shakily picked up Erik's ring, holding it desperately tight in my hand to make sure I didn't drop it.
I smiled at him before starting myself. "Erik, if someone told me to say how much I love you, I would paint a picture. Because pictures are worth a thousand words. But I figured out no amount of pictures could compare to how much I love you. I don't want to imagine a day without you with me, because that would be a day I would not like to live. You stole my heart and soul from me the second your eyes met mine, and I will never regret it." I smiled even wider, my eyes beginning to tear up as I saw him look at me with love filled eyes as I slipped on the ring. Our hands immediately reconnected and the usual electric pulse I had come so familiar with pulsed through our hands. They fit perfect in each other's, my small one in his large one.
"Do you, Erik Y take Amiele Belrose to love and to hold, through sickness and health, to be your wife?" The priest asked Erik.
"I do."
"And do you Amiele Belrose take Erik Y, to love and to hold, through sickness and health, to be your beloved groom?" The priest asked me as he turned towards me.
"Is that even a question? Of course I do!" I exclaimed squeezing Erik's hands hard in mine.
"I declare you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest stated before shutting his bible. Erik immediately swooped me into his arms and kissed me passionately on the lips.
He picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the reception. "Mrs. Erik Y." I smiled before kissing him on his jaw line. "I think I like that."

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