Phantom of the Hospital

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"You alone can make my song that flight." I sang in a low whisper, my voice was hoarse from the continuous crying and it was cracking rather badly.
Her yes fluttered shut, and I thought she was gone, but then they opened again. I tried to pay no attention to the blood pooling down to her head, if was like an ocean of crimson. "It's over now the music of the night." She sang back, her voice was cracking as well, and I saw a single tear fall down her cheek before her eyes shut. "No Amiele, wake up! You're alright." I begged through my crys.
My finger flew to her neck to check her pulse, it was barely there, like a light fluttering every ten seconds. She would be gone soon. Her hand fell limp to her side but I clutched it, bringing it back to my cheek where it was before.
"NO! NO! AMIELE! COME BACK PLEASE!" I sobbed into her hand. I carefully put her hand down and cupped her face in my large hands rubbing my fingers down her cheeks, wiping up her last tear with my thumb. "No.... No....." I whispered my sobs getting uncontrollably louder.
I picked her up and set her in my lap, not caring if her blood stained my jacket. I cradled her head in my arms, her limp body sitting in my lap like a rag doll.
I clutched her tight to my chest a headache throbbing in my head as more and more tears flowed down my face. I had never felt so much pain before, my heart was pounding out of my chest and I felt like it was going to explode.
Groups of people exploded onto the stage, rushing to where I stood and prying Amiele from my arms. "NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I demanded getting held back by two pairs of strong arms. I began thrashing to free myself from them to get my darling back.
"Erik! Calm down! They are going to help her!" Dex shouted at me from behind, he was one of the people restricting me.
Tears blurred my vision and everything around me became a hazy mess. I fell to the ground, bringing my hands to my face. I buried my face into my hands and continued sobbing uncontrollably.
Why does everything I love have to be taken from me? Why God? I loved her with all of my being, and she had to be taken from me. She saved me, she sacrificed herself for me. She saved a monster.
"Why God, why? Why did the demon get saved at the cost of an angel?" I whispered looking upwards, "please save her, dear god, please save my angel." I whispered while looking up to the ceiling, shaking with silent mourning and sobs. My shirt was soaked around the collar area from the overflow of tears.
I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I slowly turned my head trying not to sniffle. It was Dexter, he bad been crying too quite obviously, but held his emotions in much better than I did.
"They have Christine, and they are bringing Amiele to the hospital." Dexter explained lowly, his blue eyes glazed over with unshed tears. I tensed at hearing Christine's name, as much as I wanted to rid her off the face of the earth, Amiele needed me more. And I needed her.
I nodded at him, slowly standing up and exiting the scene. Trying not to look at the large pool of blood on the ground.
Dexter offered to drive me to the hospital which I obliged happily. The car ride was speedy and silent, and when I arrived I rushed inside to the front desk.
"Excuse me, what room is Amiele Belrose in." I asked my words coming out quick and jumbled.
Somehow she is understood me and clicked on her computer a few times. "I'm sorry but she is in extreme care right now, no one can see her." The worker explained apologetically.
"I NEED TO SEE HER NOW!" I shouted slamming my fists on the table, my anger flaring.
"Sir of you don't stop, I'll need to call security." She threatened, "so please calm down."
"CALL SECURITY THEN! I want a full escort to see my fiancé!" I retorted through grit teeth.
She opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by Dexter who had conveniently showed up. "I'm sorry my friend here is just a little troubled, we will go sit down now." He groaned my arm and pulled me forcefully to a seat. He sat down and pulled me into the seat next to him, I looked at him angrily. "What was that for? I want I see her now!"
"She is in intensive care, you can't. And if you want to you can't just force people to do things at your whim, your not the phantom of the hospital." Dexter explained rubbing his hands together in anticipation. I stood up and began pacing, I couldn't stand still for a moment knowing my love was close to death.
A couple walked in, both on the taller side but otherwise a regular looking couple.
They walked over to where Dexter sat and embraced him after he stood up. The women was sobbing and the man tearing up. "What happened to her? How did she get shot?" The women asked through her sobs.
"It's a very long story, but to sum it up, her boyfriend had a a girlfriend who was jealous of their relationship and she shot Amiele." Dexter explained his voice straining the whole time.
I walked forward and put my hand out, "Erik Y, Amiele's boyfriend." I introduced myself, trying to regain my composure but failing miserably. The couple stared at me in shock, probably because of my mask. That's when I noticed everyone else was staring at my mask too, I had just yet to notice due to my worried state.
The couple looked up at me sadly and I shook their hands slowly. "She pushed me out today the way of the bullet, I wish I was hit, and not her." I whispered my voice getting lower until it cracked and silent tears fell down my face.
Amiele's mom cupped her hand over her mouth to stifle the sob and her husband led her to a chair to sit down in. She snuggled into her husband and I watched with envy, Amiele should be live and well in my arms right now, not on her death bed.
Oh dear god, please let Amiele live.

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