Self-Defense to Heated Makeout Session

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The first thought that ran through my mind was: self defense.
My mom had made me go to classes for this so I was well prepared. And ready to use it.
I retracted my elbow to connect with his stomach which brought his face away from my neck which he was previously kissing. I then brought my foot up and it hit him straight in his manhood. "RAPE! RAPE!" I screeched as he released me from his grip.
I heard him grunt and fall in a heap of pain, I didn't dare look at him and I heard one final groan as I slammed the door behind me. I darted down the hallway, as fast as I could for having extremely malnutrition. I lumped my arms faster screaming "STRANGER DANGER!" Down the hallway.
I could hear light footsteps behind me, my attacker had recovered fast for me kicking him in the bolts. "AHHHHHHHH!"
"Amiele stop, its me! Erik!" He called after me, my steps faltered but I continued on. My stubborn logical side wouldn't let me stop, it wouldn't let me believe it was Erik.
'The chapel, there's a secret passage there you can hide in.' I suggested to myself quickly. I took a hard right and sprinted to the chapel room, the Mr.Y fellow, that claimed to be Erik, chasing close behind.
I practically slid into the room rushing over to the secret wall opening it and sliding down it as it closed. I sighed in relief but it left me when I felt w hand cover my mouth and an arm snake around my waist.
"Naughty naughty Amiele. Is that any way to treat your lover?" Mr.Y chastised teasingly, opening the door and pulling me out with him.
He spun me around to face him, his arm still on my waist and his other hand now cradling my face. He moved it to my chin and tilted my face up to meet his.
I gasped at the sight.
It was him.
But it couldn't be....
But it was!
His chiseled sting face was staring back at mine, a white mask covering half of it. His slick black hair that I missed running my fingers through lay perfectly combed on his head.
He was wearing an extremely nice suit, tailored well to fit his body and it showed off his muscle. It made him look sexy.
"I-it c-c-can't be." I stuttered my voice cracking.
My whole world stood before me; the one who had sent me into a made state of depression because he wasn't there.
The one who had changed my life over a dream.
A dream.
It wasn't a dream.
It was more than just a dream.
It was more.
He leaned in and took my face in his large hands. Kissing me softly on the lips for a lingering second, before drawing back. Heat confused through my body and it felt like the Fourth of July. Truly only he could make me feel this way.
All thoughts of death, and sadness, and loneliness, and Dexter, faded away. And there was only him.
"But it is." He whispered softly back to me reassuringly.
I kissed him, it was my answer, my acceptation of him. The kiss was full of love and longing, and patience. It was hungry and he pushed my back against the wall, securing my waist in his hands, his whole body pressed firmly against mine. His lips flew down to my neck where he kissed my sweet spot.
How did he find it so easily?
I moaned as he sucked softly my eyes closed in pure pleasure. I was reunited with my love again. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine again and I was pressed even harder to the wall, he ran his tongue along my lips for access Which I undeniably granted. He bit my lip and earned a gasp and moan of pleasure from me. He smirked into the kiss at my reaction, but I just wanted to be closer to him.
One of my hands went to his long hair, which I gladly ran my fingers though. We both pulled back for breath, gasping as we leaned out foreheads against one another, and continued the heated make out session.
I felt the silky strands of his hair run through my fingers and I grasped them, tugging lightly earning a growl from him. He pulled back, his eyes dark from lust, our foreheads pressed against one another's once more. "You are mine. MINE. Mine alone. That boy will never steal you from me!" And with that he crushed his lips onto mine, one hand on my butt pulling it into his hips the other cradling the side of my neck.
I wrapped my legs around his waist trying to pull him closer, the only thing I between us now was our clothes. His mask didn't stand a chance, if feel off long ago.
I felt him grind his hips into mine and I groaned at the friction. We both pulled back panting and I rested my head on his chest.
"Never anyone else's again, mine. You are mine. No other man will touch you anymore. You will never leave my side." He whispered into my ear. He picked me up my legs still wrapped around his waist and I sighed in contentment.
This was where I belonged.
In his arms.
I can say his name again. Without the pain. Without the doubt.
"I love you my ćheri Amiele." He whispered into my ear, sitting down in a chair in his office, me perched in his lap.
"Not as much as I love you. Erik."

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