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It's been a week and a half since I had gotten out of the coma.
But honestly I might of well had been still in it.
I had stopped eating much, which wasn't like me at all, I got barely any sleep, and I rarely left my room, let alone the house.
There were large black bags under my eyes that makeup couldn't cover up, and my eyes were like hollow saucers in my face. My face was a pale yellow color and my wait was somehow three times smaller than before.
If I thought I looked like a skeleton before I really looked like one now.
I didn't watch T.V. much, I either listened to "Let her go" which I had on repeat, or went on Instagram. I would have listened to other songs, phantom songs, but I wouldn't. It hurt too much, it reminded me too much of him.
My parents nagged at me to get out of the house, and they kept on asking me why I was so "sad." I knew they didn't want to use "depressed", or else they'd be scaring themselves.
I pooped out my headphones, the tears had stopped falling days ago. I had used them all up, I was a void of emotion. Crying was the only way I'd express my emotion, and now I couldn't do that; so I won't show any emotion at all.
I kept on telling myself: it was just a dream, you can't get that attached to a dream! Erik doesn't exist anymore! So stop moping and live your life.
I couldn't bring myself to do it though. I knew I never would, I knew it wasn't just a dream either. It couldn't have been, it just couldn't. And I knew I wouldn't be able to convince myself otherwise.
Cat and Jordan had confirmed they went through the same thing, but we didn't tell anyone else, and we constantly talked about it. Even though every time we did I felt a stab of loneliness in my chest.
Jordan went into a coma at a football practice, ironically at the exact same time as me and Cat too.
Was it a coincidence? That three people all went into a coma and all went back in time together. Was it just a dream?
I don't think so.
I stare at me ceiling my arms and legs splayed at my sides, I don't think it's healthy to lay in bed and do nothing this much. Who cares if it's healthy or not! Why does it matter anymore? That's right, it doesn't.
I reached for my earbuds, my hands trembling from the lack of food, even trying to grasp things took too much energy.
Living took too much energy.
I put on "Till' I hear you sing", it sounded nothing like him, and I could relate to the song, I thought I could before, but now, it was all on a whole new level.
It hurt to listen to it though, knowing he sang for Christine. Oh how I miss her, and Meg, and Madame Giry. Heck, I even miss Firmin and Carlotta a bit.
I took hold of one part of the song, it reached deep within me, and let a single tear fall. I guarantee it was the last one I would shed in a while, I don't think there is any water left in me.
"Let hopes pass,
Let dreams pass,
Let them die.
Without you, what are they for?
I'll always feel,
No more than half way real,
Till' I hear you sing once more!"
Bad thing is that's exactly what I did, every hope and dream crumbled inside of me like a deflated balloon.
I felt like Hazel Grace; except my lover never existed, so I am an empty shell, I never had a true love to cling to, no real memories of him to cling to! He was my imagination... Fake... But then again, he couldn't be, I wouldn't believe it.
I sat up slowly, taking up all my energy in doing so, and looked over to the side.
And what I saw scared me.
Lively, happy, funny, sarcastic Amiele was no more.
Sad, depressed, lonely, dead, hollow Amiele had taken her place.

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