Well, We Found Christine...

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A silence filled the room after I finished and curtsied, and I felt my face droop, did I really do bad?
My negative thoughts were squashed like a big though when the crowd roared in applause all at once. Standing and clapping loudly, some even threw single flowers.
I scurried off the stage to where Dexter stood smiling at me. He embraced me and twirled me around, "you did amazing!" He complimented showing his beautiful white teeth that could make any girl melt.
I beamed up at him as he set me down, he pecked me on the cheek and I blushed.
I heard a cough from behind Dexter and craned my neck to meet the eyes of Erik. I flushed and even darker shade of red and started fiddling with my fingers.
Erik smirked at my reaction and brought me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my slowly on the lips.
All embarrassment left and I leaned away, seeing his light green eyes darken multiple shades.
"Naughty naughty Erik, such bad thoughts." I teased in a whisper running my finger down his jaw line. He growled at me and I giggled, "am I shattering your self control Erik?" I whispered his name in the most seductive voice I could muster. He leaned into kiss me but I pulled away from his arms walking back into the stage with all the other performers.
We all stood all hand in hand, facing the audience and bowed at once. Cheers and yells erupted everywhere and we all exited the stage.
The theatre began clearing and I went to the Prima Donna room to cool off. I changed into comfortable jeans and a short sleeved colorful OneRepublic t-shirt.
I slipped on my converse and opened the door, a single red rose was on the ground with a note attached to its stem. It read:
'Meet me on the stage, I have a surprise for you. Come as you are, beautiful.
Yours eternally with love,
I smiled twisting the rose between my fingers and let my legs take me to the stage.
There was a small table with a candle and a couple of roses in a vase on it. Two chairs sat around the table, and Erik stood handsome as ever by the little setup.
I smiled at him biting my lip to try to hold back my squeal of excitement.
Erik smiled at my reaction, talking my hand and leading me to the table. He pulled out the chair and I sat down. He sat down as well and I looked at him, he was wearing a suit, like usual, while I was wearing a OneRepublic t shirt.
"Erik this is amazing.... But you should have told me we were-"
He cut me off taking my hand in his. "I didn't want to work you up, anyways you look beautiful enough to ravish anytime." He smirked teasingly and I gasped dramatically.
"Well you sir are no gentleman!" I accused pointing a finger at him, he held up his hands in mock surrender and I continued. "I could go shirtless I'm sure that'd be more convenient..."
His eyes darkened and I his jaw clenched visibly, I winked at him which only made him grit his teeth and lick his lips.
"You really do enjoy teasing me don't you, Mia Amiele?" He asked his voice husky and strained.
I shrugged acting like I was not purposely breaking his self control. I found it entertaining to test the waters of his control.
He stared at me for a minute in silence, then I saw his shoulders relax and the rest of his body followed suit. He popped open a bottle of champagne from a little ice bucket to the right of his chair and poured me a glass.
We gave a cheers and began talking of small things. He asked me to explain all of my knowledge of "The Phantom Of The Opera". I explained it as well as I could trying not to make it awkward, when I finished our eyes met and I couldn't look away.
His blazing green eyes entranced me, like a song only my soul could hear. I felt like I was bound to him through his eyes.
"Will you dance with me?" The question was unexpected but I nodded enthusiastically.
He stood up, taking my hand in his, and putting the other on my waist. I put a hand on his shoulder and we began waltzing simply. I was pressed close against his body, cherishing the warmth that radiated from his body.
I sighed happily, taking in his handsome face with my eyes as he devoured my own face with his eyes.
Suddenly he stopped, and I noticed fear and uncertainty in his eyes. What did he have to fear?
He dropped gracefully to one knee and I clamped my hands over my mouth.
"Amiele, you are the most beautiful and crazy woman I have ever met. You believed I was beautiful, no, you believed in me when no one else did. And I am forever grateful for that, but that's not what this is. This is an official proclamation of my love. Your eyes, your perfect green eyes, they see straight to my soul. And that smile, that oh-so-contagious smile that I love, brightens my day. Without you, what would be the point to live? There wouldn't be. I can't imagine my life without you because I wouldn't have one. I love you with all my heart and soul, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Erik Y?" He asked his voice low as he tried to contain his fear. Hope laced his voice as he pulled out a beautiful silver ring with diamonds encrusted in it and a single emerald fashioned to be the center of attention.
"Erik.... Ye-" I began but was cut off by a raspy feminine voice behind me.
"No you don't, he's mine!"

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