Watching Phantom of the Opera With the Phantom of the Opera....

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My eyes stayed trained on Erik's face as "The Phantom Of The Opera" played on the T.V.. Erik was singing 'The Music Of The Night' and his face was one of pure horror. His mouth was gaping wide open and his eyes were wide in surprise.
"How...? How- what?" He whispered befuddled, scrunching up his nose in confusion and concern.
I laughed at his reaction, it had been almost identical to when him and Christine sang 'The Phantom Of The Opera' together. Except this was way better.
When Christine took off his mask and he yelled at her in his little diva fit his head tilted over towards me, yet his eyes stayed fixed in the screen. "Was I really like that?" He whispered in horror.
I laughed again, clutching my hand over my mouth to stop the constant giggled that escaped my lips. "Sometimes, but I find it cute." It was dark but I still saw him roll his eyes.
When the performance of 'Il Muto' as around and he heard how he sounded in the theatre when he threatened everyone. "I thought your voice was quite sexy there." I commented lowly and I felt his grip tighten around my hand.
When he saw what he did to Carlotta he laughed and smirked, his eyes were shone with a proud light in them.
When he saw what he looked like with Buquet though, his eyes widened somehow larger. And he snorted in disgust but showed no remorse.
"He deserved a worse death." I barely heard him litter under his breath and i jabbed him with my elbow playfully. He huffed in annoyance at my jab and contained to focus on the screen. He seemed unfazed by the roof scene, besides when he was crying on the T.V., I saw him blush quite profusely at that.
The masquerade came next, and his extreme blush and gaping mouth proved his embarrassment. "I loved the part when you did 'Why so silent?' And I literally envied Christine for all the attention you gave her." I commented and I saw him raise an eyebrow at me. "That is until yo became mine." I added trailing my finger over the part of his chest that showed.
"Possessive? I like that." He commented huskily obviously affected by my touch but not pushing it away.
I giggled and pecked him on the cheek, coming into contact with his porcelain mask. I growled and ripped it off, throwing it across the room carelessly.
"Hey! It's porcelain! Don't do that!" He chastised swatting at the hand that threw it across the room.
"Don't be a baby, it'll be fine. I like you better without it, I can actually kiss you and see your whole face." I explained after pecking his disfigured skin.
I turned my attention back to the movie as he sighed in defeat, looking to the movie as well.
They had just finished 'Past The Point Of No Return' and I laughed internally at his reaction of Christine pulling off his mask and him bringing down the chandelier.
The best though was when they were singing 'Down Once More' his face was a mask of ultimate disgust and awkward horror.
His mouth had been open for ten minutes straight when the movie finally came to a close.
He stared at the blank screen for five minutes before moving. "Ok.... That was.... Interesting. Otherwise I don't exactly know how to react to that." He stated pressing his lips in a thin line.
I had begun to nod off but was immediately woken at the sound of his voice and the rumbling of his chest. "Huh? Yup, interesting alright." I mumbled laying my head back down on his chest.
A ding came from my phone and I groaned as I picked it up, reading the text Cat sent me.
Cat: going on a trip till Friday to the Cayman Islands with Jordan!
I sighed and answered back immediately.
Me: have fun, stay safe, don't do drugs and use protection😉
Cat: will do
"What's up?"
"Cats going on a trip to the Cayman Islands with Jordan till Friday." I explained massaging my forehead with my fingers.
"Speaking of days of the week, want to continue with the performance you began working on?" He asked hopefully kissing the crown of my head.
I nodded, snuggling closer into his chest, wrapping my arms tighter around his chest.
I yawned rather loudly and he chuckled. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked himself more than me.
"You did nothing but be yourself, I fell for you, and hard. And if anything I'm not worthy of you." I mumbled into his chest, closing my eyes and listening to the steady beat of Erik's heart in his chest.

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