Chapter 11

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Amongst the ruins she led me to the basement of the old church where our journey began. Even with everything that had happened between now and then, a wave of nostalgia hit me as we descended the stairs. The warmth from her hand coursed through my veins, reigniting the flame that I thought I'd lost.

I sat on the couch as I used to, trembling with guilt and regret. If there was anyone that I needed the most right now, it was her. "Goddess..." I finally said through broken cries and countless tears.

She put her finger over my mouth and shook her head, "I'm so sorry." She cried out before hugging me. "I didn't want to make things worse for you, I have known you, the real you all this time. Bell, I'm so sorry!" She shouted into my shoulder, and I could no longer tell the difference between my tears and hers.

She knew me, all this time? I felt a small wave of anger rise like oil in water. When her tears finally ceased, she pulled away from her embrace and put her hands on both of my shoulders. "We don't have long. Just long enough though." She smiled, ushering me to turn around.

She removed my shirt and quickly started the ritual, to update my status. I felt cold, inside and out as my stats changed. "What's going to happen?" I asked, needing to know the reason that she hadn't reached out. I've been at death's door for far too long, but only now do I feel a change in the breeze.

As she worked diligently tracing my back, she spoke softly, full of despair. "I... I have worried about you every single day. With Freya being our enemy, and our family in its current state without you, there wasn't much I could do. I haven't let you slip my mind, not even for a moment, Bell." I could feel a tear fall on my back before she pressed a paper against it.

"It hasn't been easy for me, but I've been trying to find the perfect moment to help you. I'm not sure what this will do, and if it causes you pain, I'm sorry." She kept apologizing before she finally handed me my shirt and the paper containing my new stats.

I dressed quickly and took the page but didn't look at what had changed. I set it on the couch and pulled her into a hug, just wanting to share her flame a little longer. I understood her hesitancy for defying Freya. I knew she was taking a risk, and I wanted to show her my gratitude. I put all my anger and rage aside and focused on the small, rare moment I got to share with my patron goddess.

When she pulled away, I could see the fire in her eyes. The same fire we shared, the twin flames of hope. "Don't give up." She said, a despondent smile on her face.

For the first time in a while, I felt color return to my face and eyes. Like a flame reborn, I had a new lease on life. Finally, I stared down at the stats she updated in disbelief. I made it from level 5 to level 6. "Do you think this is enough to beat Ottar?" I asked, hoping our time wasn't coming to an end. There was so much more I wanted to say, but I knew with time short I had to ask the right questions.

"It just might be enough." She held out her hand to help me off the couch, and I knew that signaled our time was up. "Are you scared?" I asked as I followed her quietly up the stairs.

She didn't respond, only shook her head. Once we reached the top of the stairs she looked back over her shoulder and winked. "I believe in you, Bell. Now it's time for you to believe in you, too." With that she disappeared into the darkness leaving me alone in the old church.

I didn't linger there for too long. Long enough to let my tears dry and to steel my resolve. I couldn't let her risk go to waste.

Back at Folkvangr, I had to act as if nothing had changed. At first it was hard to control the fire I felt growing inside. As I reached the front gate, I doused the fire and lazily walked past the field towards the front doors. Hedin was leaning against the wall tapping his foot as if I wasn't hasty enough.

"What?" I asked, playing up my annoyance.

"Come with me." He said and vanished inside like smoke.

I followed him up the stairs and down to the very end of the second-floor hallway. He pushed open the doors to the chapel, and inside I was shocked to see who was waiting for me.

"Come, Bell." Horn motioned for me to come sit next to her on the front pews. I was nervous, my hands started to sweat as I made my way down the aisle. Horn has helped me in the past, has my luck run out already today?

I sat next to her and tried to hide my discomfort, shoving my sweaty hands deep in my pockets. "Nice to see you, Horn." My face remained emotionless, as I tried to hide the anxiousness I felt.

"There is no need to hide how you feel from me." She took my trembling hand and placed something I knew so well into my palm.

The Hestia dagger. My beloved weapon that I missed so much. I felt overwhelmed with happiness as I clutched the handle with a strong grip. The runes illuminated as they recognized my hand, and the dagger came to life.

She put her hand over mine as I held the dagger, and I looked into her unwavering eyes. "Now that you have the power to put an end to this, take your revenge." With that, she withdrew her hand and looked away, but I could see her start to tremble. She was going against her goddess, again. She knew the consequences, but instead of worrying about herself, she made one last attempt to help me.

I sheathed the dagger behind my back and stood with a newfound resolve. I wouldn't let anyone's efforts be wasted on me any longer. I bowed my head and thanked her as I turned to leave.

By the door, Hedin put his hand on to my chest and stopped me from leaving. I raised a brow at him, unaware that he had never left. "Tomorrow after dinner, is your chance."

Everyone has bestowed their faith in me.

I won't let your efforts be in vain. 

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