Chapter 13

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I'm reaching for the Hestia knife, and I'm starting to second guess everything.

Is she really the enemy?

With my hand resting on the grip, I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek against the top of her head as I slowly pulled the knife from its sheath. Now is not the time to let my emotions get in the way. No matter how innocent she might seem, her actions are unforgiveable.

I never wanted to hurt her, or any girl for that matter. But it comes down to a choice between my freedom and my morals. I never thought I would have to choose to do something so inhumane, but Freya you've left me no choice. I'll be a hypocrite if that's what I need to be.

Holding the knife to her throat, I met her eyes with a fiery gaze. "Release me." I demanded, tightening my grip as if it were my resolve.

Her eyes instantly dried when she realized my true intentions. As if she switched places with a demon, her expression changed from sorrow to rage in an instant. "I refuse." She scoffed in my face with arrogance.

I had a feeling she would say that. If she had granted my wish in the field of poison, we wouldn't be here now. Hestia, I won't let you down. All I want is to go home.

"Very well." My voice was foreign, even to me. I stood and removed my blade from her neck, leaving but one small slice as I withdrew. Blood pooled from the shallow cut and spilled over, threatening to stain her elegant gown.

I needed to buy time for what I had to do next, now was not the time to falter.

Leaping back, I chose an optimal angle to seal off anyone from the outside. Holding the blade in front of my hand, I whispered softly with my eyes closed. "Firebolt." Flames danced across the knife as if it became alive. Holding it behind me, I quickly slashed in a large arc, creating a wreath of fire around us.

With the cover of flames, I breathed deeply trying to calm my aching heart. After everything she's done to me, why do I feel remorse? My trembling hands were threatening to ruin everything. With one hand behind my back, I held the knife to her throat once more.

"Undo the charm, Freya."

"I won't." Her face twisted with anger when I didn't budge. She crossed her arms across her chest like a child, waiting for my next move.

White sparks danced around my left hand, but it wasn't ready yet. While the flame wreath held, I still had time. Withdrawing the blade from her neck, I transitioned from a reverse grip and held the knife at my own throat. With a painful smile, I pressed the blade just enough to break the skin. As blood slowly trickled down the wound and covered my hand, Freya watched in horror.

"If you won't put an end to this, then I will."

Wind swept through the room as the flame wreath died. Out of the flames, Ryu appeared in front of me. As if to shield my almost full charge from Freya, she winked before slowly raising her hand to mine that trembled under the weight of the blade. "Bell Cranel, this is really unlike you." She smiled with sadness in her eyes as she helped lower the blade from my neck.


She gave me one last look of assurance before standing behind me. I closed my eyes and held my left hand towards the sky as I quietly said the words of my one true goddess. "Argo Vesta."

The roof blew off as Ryu carried me out of the flames into the sky.

The tower was starting to collapse, and if Ottar didn't make it to her soon, she would be buried along with the rest of her familia.

Looking down at the room that exploded into flames, I could hear her cries. Tears streamed down my face as I watched from above, despair tearing at my heart. As much as I wanted to feel accomplished, I couldn't allow it. My actions were despicable, maybe I really am a coward.

But if I'm so empty, why do I feel so alive?

We hovered over the area for as long as we could, Ryu giving me time to observe my destruction. Or was it so that I could see Ottar saving Freya from the flames?

She set me down on an adjacent roof, far enough away from the main tower so that I could catch my breath. I curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth with my knees to my chest. I was starting to lose it as I felt her warm hands on both of my shoulders.

"The fight isn't over yet." She paused for a moment as she squeezed my shoulders. "He will come for you, and when he does, make sure you are ready." She wiped the tears away from my eye before she disappeared into the moonlight.

I yelled at the top of my lungs, trying to overcome all the pent-up fear and anxiety that was paralyzing me. I bent over with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath as I scanned my surroundings. I knew he was coming, and I knew I would never truly be ready.

That's when I saw him, standing on the grass holding his sword in the sky. "Face me." His tone was void of all emotion as he stared straight at me.

I would never truly be ready to face him.

With a deep breath I closed my eyes and stepped from the roof, landing with my hands on the ground. As I stood, I swirled the Hestia knife in my hand to a reverse grip and opened my eyes. With malice in my heart, I charged forward into the dark. 

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