Chapter 14

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I'm staring death straight in the eyes. Charging forward, I know the only outcome of this fight is defeat. My chances would be slim with Ryu here, but alone, they are zero.

After all the training I did with him and Hedin, I'm still too inexperienced to win. Even if my skills could surpass his, my strength alone would be my downfall. Agility has always saved me, but it's like I'm fighting a stone wall that hasn't even chipped.

From Asterius to the juggernaut, they don't begin to compare. Instead of chipping away at his armor, I'm depleting my own stamina just trying to create an opening.

Clenching my jaw, I remember what Ryu said about my arm. I have to keep it from shaking or tensing up. After everything they have done for me, I can't give up now.

I charged him with everything I had, and I was slapped to the side as an insult. Something in me is broken, and it might be my soul.

I'm fighting a battle that I know I can't win. Even with my updated status, and being level 6, I still can't even begin to come close to him in terms of power.

I'm dancing around him, wearing myself out. If this is what I have to do to buy time, then I'll drain myself dry.

He's growing tired of my hit and run strategy. Embers dance in his eyes as his annoyance reaches an all-time high. Pausing to catch my breath, I realized that I might not have much time left. For a moment, I closed my eyes, focusing on the desires of my heart to imbue into my blade.

Up to this point, I've tried not to picture their faces. With a smile, I let the memories of them play like a slideshow in my mind. What I desire the most is to make it back to them, alive. With the Hestia knife in front of my face, and my left hand crossed, I whispered the last words that I hoped would help me push through the overwhelming odds.

"Argo Vesta."

"What are doing to that boy?" Mia asked, approaching Freya with her shovel resting on her shoulder. It had been quite some time since she had been in the presence of her goddess.

Freya was taken back by the voice, having not seen Mia since she retired. "Mia... I've found my Odr..." She looked up with tears of happiness in her eyes, appearing like a pitiful human girl. "He just doesn't realize it yet..."

Mia shook her head, bending down in front of Freya as if she were a small child. Gripping her shoulders, she looked into her eyes. "You can't force him to love you, Freya. This isn't what you wanted."

"He is what I wanted."

Mia sighed as anger boiled in her eyes. "Even if that may be true, the tactics you've resorted to are low, even for you." She looked down on Freya in disgust. "Do you remember what I said I would do if you crossed a line, you shouldn't?"

For the first time, Freya lifted her head to look into Mia's eyes. Her expression was filled with fear as she recalled the promise they had made.

"Stop this childish game. Release him." Mia demanded, holding the shovel out to Freya, as if to mark her target.

I've smashed into the brick so many times I feel like I'm on the verge of puking. Doubled over on my hands and knees, blood spills from my mouth as I try to gather my thoughts. If I look into his eyes now, I might accept my own defeat, but I know I must stand. I have to keep fighting.

"I don't know why Freya idolizes someone so weak."

He is right. Why would Freya pick someone like me? Aiz must feel the same way. Someone so weak wouldn't be able to protect the woman that he loves.

Aiz. My mind starts to drift and fade when he walks over to me.

"Face me, like a man."

Clenching the dirt in my hands, my entire body aches. One more deafening blow and I might not be able to stand back up. I need you, Ryu.

I'm shaking all over as I find enough strength in my legs to stand. I've got one last trick up my sleeve, but it's all I've got left. This will be the first time I've used it, and I don't know it's true power. But maybe, just maybe I can win.

With just enough willpower to make my last stand, I held the Hestia knife in front of my face. Staring into the blade, I could see the crimson aura of my soul reflecting in the darkness.

"Eternal flame."

The runes on the blade activated, and my entire being went up in flames.

As if the skill was a double-edged sword, I could feel every ember that danced across my body. Lit up like an inferno, I charged at Ottar one last time.

Pouring every last bit of strength I had left into the strike; my blade seared his body from hip to shoulder in a crimson flame.

I landed to his right side before my legs gave out and the flames around me died. The overwhelming energy that came with the inferno ceased after just a single blow.

Mind. Down.

I'm free falling into the comforting darkness of the abyss. Is this the end?

I feel nothing.

Weightlessly I'm sinking, letting go is rather freeing.

Just as I finally feel like I've reached the bottom, I feel warmth return to me.

I've returned to the land of the living, coughing my lungs out as if I really was drowning.

"Bell." Hestia smiles down at me, her hand holding my cheek.

Confusion is warping my mind as I reached out to her. "Is it over?" I whispered, my voice like ash.

Hestia's eyes filled with tears as she pulled me into a hug. "Let's go home." 

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