Chapter 26

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My palms haven't stopped sweating since I left the pub. I'm excited, scared and eager to see Aiz, even if I'm well aware of the mood she will probably be in.

As much as I want to worry about how I will be received, I decided on my walk over that I wouldn't let my own feelings get in the way of our time spent together today.

The twins met me out front, extending a warm welcome with open arms.

"Argonaut! We never thought you'd come!"

"Took you long enough!"

Their words didn't match their smiles as they each took my hand and led me towards Aiz's room. Just before reaching the door, they stopped and grinned before whispering. "Good luck."

As nervous as I was, I stood in front of Aiz's door and took a deep breath before knocking.

I've always been the one of the receiving end of this sort of visit, the one inside the room replying "Come in."

I heard her voice, almost frail, allowing me to enter. Regardless of the emotions I was feeling, the nerves coating my hands in cold sweat, I pushed the door open quietly with a smile on my face.

I'm not here to save her, I'm here to be a light in the dark. I've needed saving so many times, can I finally do it for someone else? I'm tired of acting with restrictions, hiding behind my fear and regretting my decisions.

I sat on the edge of her bed, her back towards me as she faced the wall. How long had she been lying here?

"Aiz." I said quietly, letting my hand brush the hair out of her eyes, exposing her tear-stained cheek that glistened in the sun that peeked through the curtains.

She was doing worse than I thought.

She said nothing but turned and sat up. Her eyes started to collect tears, and as they grew heavy, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me. Instead of tensing up I returned to her embrace, one hand on the back of her head and the other between her shoulder blades. I tried to give her the warmest embrace I could, something that didn't need words, something she could feel.

Her tears stained my shoulder, but I was happy she was letting it out. I knew how she was probably feeling, holding in her disappointment for so long. I rubbed circles in her back for a while, not pulling away for a second. If this is what she needed, I'd happily lend her my shoulder to cry on anytime.

She finally pulled away with her hands over her eyes, sniffling quietly. I handed her a tissue, watching as she dried her eyes and then blew her nose. I held out my hand, smiling as she laid the used tissue in my hand. "Thank you." She finally mumbled, looking up at me with her red puffy eyes.

"Yes ma'am." I said quietly walking her tissue to the trash can.

Returning to the side of her bed, I held out my hand and mustered up the biggest smile I could.

She looked at my hand, then at me, then back to my hand. Weighing her options, no doubt. But I didn't waver, standing like a statue in front of her. "Let's go." I finally said, letting my head fall to the ground.

I didn't know if she was going to take my hand or turn around and sink back into her bed. But I didn't move, giving her the time she needed to decide.

I finally felt her cold hand in mine, and I pulled her up off the bed.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." I smiled, bowing for a moment before heading towards the door. "I'll wait for you in the foyer."

With her hand in mine, I led her through the town. Even if she wasn't fully back to herself yet, I tugged her along through the busy streets. Leading the way, I made sure to pass by the pub. Loki caught a glance of us as we hurried by, and I lifted my hand for a moment to wave and smile.

It was my half-assed way of saying thank you, I guess.

We finally reached the shoreline of the lake, the sky turning grey above us and fog rolling in. Without the sun overhead, I felt a little of my energy drain away, but the wind picked up as we touched the sand, and I felt it comforting as it encompassed us.

I finally stopped, tugging down on her hand as we sat down in front of the lake.

Aiz pulled her knees to her chest, resting her head on them. "It looks like it will rain soon." she said quietly, finally looking me in the eyes.

I scooted closer to her, putting my arm around her shoulder. She didn't move a muscle, letting me comfort her, and shield her from the wind.

"Maybe it'll wash away all our pain." I whispered, feeling it lightly start to mist.

She rested her head on my chest, melting into my side. "Thank you." She said against my chest, her hand reaching for mine. I knew she wasn't looking to be saved, nor was she asking for help. But she thanked me, and I felt my cheeks burn bright red.

I laced our fingers together and squeezed her hand, looking out at the shoreline. To most people, the grey skies and heavy clouds would be bad weather. But the weather suited our moods.

We were somewhere in the in-between. Too many regrets and painful memories to be happy. But too young, with too much hope to be sad. The future tends to play tricks on us.

If we dwell too much in the past, we will never be fulfilled. If we think too much about the future, we will live in constant fear.

So here we are, stealing time back for the sake of temporary complacency.

As the sky grew darker, the mist turned to light rain.

"We should head back."

I helped Aiz up, pausing for a moment as she looked up into my anxious eyes.

I put both of my hands on each side of her face and leaned in, kissing her lips as gently as I could.

It was quick, but I had to finally show her exactly how I felt about her.

"I love you, Aiz." I smiled down at her, putting both of my hands on her shoulders as I studied her eyes.

"I love you too, Bell." She said back, then hugged me the tightest she ever had as the rain started to drench us both.

I didn't want to move from this embrace. The feeling of warmth, the smell of the rain mixing with her scent. Even if it was cold, we were frozen in a split second of time that felt like we were bathing in the sun. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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