Chapter 18

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I learned a very valuable lesson.

Never trust your friends with your incapacitated body.

Like a scene straight from my worst nightmare, I slowly opened my eyes to see Aiz looking down at me. I could do nothing but squeal and jerk myself up and away from her, frantically waving my hands out in front of me.

"Bell... Cranel." Aiz said quietly, still in shock from me jolting myself far away from her.

Where had Welf and Lili gone? Why did they just leave me here with Aiz? Are they okay?

I was starting to get overwhelmed with worry, pacing back and forth in front of Aiz who was still sitting on the ground dumbfounded.

She took one look at me freaking out, then did the cutest thing I've ever seen her do.

She smelled herself to make sure she didn't stink. As if that was why I ruined our proximity. I'm screaming inside, embarrassed and confused, trying to sort out what happened.

"Bell?" She called again, finally standing from the ground. She brushed the dirt off herself as she waited for me to answer.

The only thing I managed to do was stutter before I covered my mouth in embarrassment.

"Your friends are okay, there is no need to worry."

Dammit Welf. You did this, didn't you? Sly dog, you.

"I... uh..." I sighed and wiped sweat from my brow, calming my heart that felt like it was going to explode from my chest.

She took a few steps towards me, and I responded by taking a few steps back.

I wasn't ready. This isn't how I imagined I would run into her. The scenarios I concocted in my mind were far from me being caressed by the sword princess in a dungeon.

When I finally accepted that there was nowhere to run to, I sighed and slumped against the dungeon wall. "Sword... princess." I said just above a whisper, covering my bright red face with my hand.

Aiz walked over and crouched in front of me, putting her hand out for support as she leaned closer. "Why do you always run away from me?" she whispered before letting her head drop to the ground.

Did she not remember what I had said? Maybe she really didn't hear me.

Trying to rack my brain for the right words, I put my hand over my eyes so I wouldn't have to meet her yearning gaze. She deserved answers on why it was that I always ran at the sight of her.

Truthfully, I wish I could stop myself. I never intended on her taking it the wrong way, I just wasn't ready to face her like a man. Trying to avoid the situation all together, I parted my fingers over my eyes to peak at her reaction. "I'm sorry."

Instead of pressing me further, she simply stood from the ground and bowed. "I trust you can make it to the surface safely now?"

I've been saved by the sword princess too many times. If anything, I owed her more than a hollow thank you.

I've always wanted to catch up to her in terms of strength, are we even now? Would she see me, not as the scared boy I was, but as a man who could protect her now?

I laughed softly, covering my face again. A strong man huh? Someone who had woken up in her arms from mind down. Who was I kidding? Even if I had reached the same level as her, I was still far from being someone she could rely on.

"Aiz?" I called out, watching as she created distance between us. Had I waited any longer, she would have disappeared to the next floor.


I stood up and brushed myself off, hurrying to catch up to her. If I were to give up this opportunity that Welf created, I would never hear the end of it.

"Do you mind if we return to the surface, together?"

My hands grew cold with nerves as I waited for her to answer. She turned to me, a bright smile spreading across her lips. "Only if you don't run away from me this time."

We only exchanged a few words during our ascent. The silence was deafening at points, as I tried to cower behind taking out stray monsters along our way back up. I know she could have handled the path with her eyes closed, but there was something in me that wanted to show her that I could protect her.

I would kill everything in her path, if she would let me.

But Aiz could do that on her own, she really had no use for me.

Back in the comfort of the setting sun, Aiz took a seat by the fountain in front of Babel. She patted the stone next to her, motioning for me to join her.

The entire time I had been so focused on my own awkwardness that I hadn't really paid much attention to Aiz, but she seemed nervous. Behind her sunflower eyes, she was holding something back.

I took the greatsword from my back and held it in my lap as I sat next to her, anxiously fidgeting with my hands. I cleared my throat and placed them behind me, looking up at the tower before us.

"I like you, Aiz." I said quietly, not taking my eyes off the sky. I couldn't look her in the eyes, but I knew I needed to say something. "I always have, and I always will."

Finally looking in her direction, her face was not shocked. She had the same emotion on her face she always did, a slightly confused yet stable straight face. I didn't expect an answer, as I didn't the first time I had admitted to my feelings.

The last time though, I didn't give her a chance to reply. But that was different, she didn't know or remember the real me. I smiled and closed my eyes, letting out a content laugh that almost sounded like a sigh.

What was I expecting? Aiz Wallenstein would never be able to love someone like me.

I stood and stretched before putting the greatsword on my back. "Thanks for accompanying me." I was fighting internally from running as fast as I could away from her. Heat was rising to my cheeks as I grew so embarrassed at what I had just said.

As I turned to leave, she reached out to grab my hand, but I flinched, jerking away from her. I turned as my hands trembled, feeling overwhelmed.

"I like you too, Bell." She said with a hand over her mouth, her words muffled. But I heard it as clear as day.

She... feels the... same way?

I could have passed out and died right there.

Frozen in time, I didn't know what to do. She giggled looking up at me, realizing that I never expected her to say what she did.

She stood and put her sword at her hip again, then waved. She left me there, frozen like ice. All I could do was watch as she disappeared like the setting sun.

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