Chapter 25

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I've been back on the surface for almost a week now.

I remember carrying Aiz, her heart faintly beating against mine. My own heart was raging, soaring with fear and falling with hope. The further away we got from the lower floors, the more the choking grip let up. I couldn't let myself be too hopeful, after all we didn't know what happened to them down there.

Using the communication stones, Hedin and Ottar cleared a safe path for us. I couldn't tell if it was boredom or just flat-out strength, I was starting to see what level seven really meant.

In terms of power and strength, they were truly unmatched.

The black dragon...

Hestia was right. In the future, we are going to need them. Regardless of our familia, the black dragon doesn't care where you are from or who's team you are on. Death spares no one.

Just like despair.

A lot happened after we returned.

Aiz was recovering at the Loki estate, as was Riveria. I want to visit, but I haven't brought myself to leave my own room.

Something about being in that place again started tearing away at my soul.

"Mr. Cranel?" Ryu's voice came from the other side of my door. It's late at night, the moon is high and she's the last person I would have expected to visit at this hour.

"Come in." I said faintly, my words trailing off in the wind that swept through the open patio door.

Ryu sat down across from me, her back against the patio railing.

I was slouched down against the brick, my eyes glued to the moon.

"Are you okay, Bell?" She called me by my first name, again. To be honest, I was glad Ryu came to visit. She understands what I'm feeling better than anyone.

I finally met her gaze, showing her the fear in my eyes. "She was in, that place..."

Ryu nodded, then rested her face in her hand. "They were. As it saved us, it now has saved them."

I nodded, feeling distant. I hadn't thought of it that way, only the pain of what happened after we left fresh in my mind.

"I'm terrified." I finally admitted, closing my eyes. The wind comforted me like a hug, the soft breeze keeping the hair out of my eyes.

"Terrified of what?" Aiz asked quietly.

My heart shuddered; my eyes shook. I wanted to say everything, blurt out all of my troubles and frustration and peel away every layer of rotting despair that encased my heart. But I had to start small, my biggest worry...

"Do you think, the black dragon is like despair?"

Ryu scooted closer, taking my hands into her own. "No. I don't think the black dragon will be anything like despair." She cleared her throat and squeezed my hands, a smile on her face. "Bell, if we can defeat despair, just you and I... When the time comes, we can defeat the black dragon. All of us, together."

Her words calmed me, softening the uncertainty that swelled.

"Despair almost killed us both."

Ryu closed her eyes and smiled, nodding in agreement. "That is true, but we both came out stronger because of it." She put her finger under my chin and lifted it, cocking her head to the side as she smiled. "Chin up Mr. Cranel. I believe in you."

My worries haven't faded.

With each passing day, I still haven't brought myself to go visit her. I don't fear rejection, and I'm not concerned with how she's doing. I know Aiz is alive, and I do hope she is faring well on her road to recovery.

I know how she must feel right now, and no comforting words I give will make her feel any better.

She's suffering from defeat.

I remember how I felt after fighting with Asterius. The word defeated didn't come close to the amount of disappointment I had felt.

Did Aiz have a battle with the one person she wanted to catch up to, and lose? Has she not yet grown enough to be triumphant? Or was she testing herself, and taking it too far?

As curious as I am about what happened, I want to give her the space I know she needs to sort it all out in her own mind.

She's fighting her worst enemy, and it's herself.

I've finally decided to get some fresh air, and there is only one place I can think of where I can have a taste of home.

Standing in front of the benevolent mistress, a smile spreads across my face. Ryu is standing outside with her arms crossed on her chest. "You finally came." She smiles, lifting a hand up to cover her mouth.

My face reddens as I cover it for a moment, peeking through my fingers at Ryu. "Sorry it took me so long."

I follow her inside, to my surprise seeing Loki and Riveria seated at the bar. I'm slightly confused on how long I've locked myself away this time, should they both be here?

Taking my usual seat at the end of the bar by the large beam, they turned their attention towards me.

I don't like the look in Loki's eyes, but Riveria expresses only gratitude.

Mia takes my order, and before I know it, I feel an arm around my shoulder.

"I must say, I doubted you." Loki spoke quietly next to my ear, her wine-stained breath stagnant in my nose.

I reached for my glass and took a drink, words forming in my head, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything back. I knew it was more of a compliment than an insult. However, I still wasn't a fan of Loki to begin with.

"Why so cold?" She slurred, taking the seat next to me. Her drunken presence couldn't be ignored, her body hanging over the bar.

"I'm glad the sword princess is safe." I quietly mumbled, taking another drink before placing my glass away from Loki's path.

She leaned forward on her arm, letting her head rest in her hand.

"I haven't forgotten our deal Mr. Cranel."

I sighed, finally turning to give Loki my attention. "Forget our deal."

"Oooh, don't be like that rabbit's foot!"

Smiling through closed eyes, I let a quiet laugh escape my lips. "How is she?"

Loki rested her head in both hands, watching Mia as she worked. "She's hanging in there, as cold as ever I'm afraid."

I nodded, picking at my food as I listened. She explained that she made a fast recovery health wise, but mentally, she was distant.

"I'm not surprised." I said quietly pushing my plate forward. "Aiz is strong, she'll be back around in no time."

"I think you should go see her when you leave here. She would like that."

A spark of life shot through me, the first shred of excitement I'd felt since being back on the surface. Maybe she's right. Maybe it would help the both of us. 

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