Chapter 22

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There is no way Aiz just went missing. I want to believe that it is all just an accident, or false information. But I have a creeping doubt that has settled and won't let go.

Is this Freya's revenge?

After considering all our options, everyone agreed that returning to the surface was our best choice of action. Sure, going deeper would have given me a chance to blow off some steam, but I had a feeling that if we were too brash, this might be a repeat of last time.

God knows I can't handle that again. I'm barely over it still. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to deal with that sort of crippling depression again.

Our ascension up was fast, and since we had stayed a full day in the safe zone, monsters had respawned, giving me the opportunity to keep my mind busy. But it didn't matter how many monsters I killed; her face never left my head. Hang in there Aiz, I will find you.

Once the light of day hit our eyes on the outside of the dungeon, I took a deep breath and stopped by the fountain outside of Babel. Taking a moment to catch our breaths, we all slumped our bags against the fountain and listened, hoping we would hear free information.

Had the news not reached the surface yet?

It was too damn quiet...

Our first stop was Mia's tavern on our way back to the mansion. As if our prayers were answered, we were met with a very drunk Loki sitting at the bar.

"Oi! Any adventurer's around here worth a shit! She's missing! HELLO? MIA?"

Mia had a very angered expression on her face as she refilled Loki's empty glass.

"I don't care if you are a god, keep your voice down or get out." Mia's cold remark lingered as we approached the bar top.

"Mr. Cranel." Ryu said as she passed me, carrying glasses to a group of worn-out adventurers at the corner table.

"Ms. Ryu!" I called after her, but she continued to work diligently, as always. We filled up every bar seat next to Loki, and I took the one directly next to her.

"Ah, if it isn't rabbit's foot." Loki sloshed her drink around as she put her arm around my shoulder. "I'll make you a deal."

I could smell the alcohol from her breath, and I knew that it wasn't just a rumor. This was reality, and something really did happen to Aiz. But what?

"Find my Aiz, and I'll let her go on a date with you!"

Her statement angered me. I wanted to smile and joke with her, but she was pawning off finding her, wagering a date as a reward? Aiz is worth so much more than that. She knows that, and I've seen the way she looks at her. Is this her way of begging?

"I'll find Aiz." My words were cold, but true. If it was the last thing I did, I would find Aiz. "What information can you give us? Surely you have a lot of talented people looking for her. What happened to the team?" There was so much more I wanted to ask, but I had to keep it to a few questions at a time. I'm not sure Loki in her current state could keep up.

"They returned two days ago to deliver the news. Fucking Finn... He let Riveria and Aiz go off alone. How dare that damn brat..."

I let out a long sigh. Listening to her talk was giving me a headache. How could she let this happen?

Aiz? What were you thinking? No matter how strong you want to get, is it worth risking it all to catch up to the person you've been chasing? How strong do you need to be, before you feel complete?

Did she... fall victim to the poisoning in the deep levels? Could she be stranded in the white palace? Or was she in the colosseum? Please anything but the colosseum...

Horror grew in my eyes as I remembered being stranded with Ryu. Even if we weren't as strong as Aiz and Riveria, the deep levels are a harrowing place. We managed to make it out alive by sheer luck. Please, I'm begging... May luck be on her side.

Once back at the Hearth mansion, we sat down with Hestia and devised a plan. Hestia had already enlisted a talented group of adventurers, but when she listed their names, we all sat in shock. Was this a good idea? It was almost as if we were going to be dining with the enemy...

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, standing up from the couch. My mind was racing, and even if the one thing I wanted the most was to bring Aiz back, how was I supposed to feel about members of the Freya family joining us? Was this atonement or retribution?

"Bell..." Hestia started before she sighed and laid her hands in her lap. "We all understand your hesitancy. I was hesitant too. But I spoke with the guild, and they ensured this would work. In the end, someday... Someday we will all have to work together to defeat the black dragon. You might as well find a way to work together while you have the chance."

"The black dragon...?" I spoke for everyone, as our shocked eyes darted to Hestia.

Hestia threw her hands out in front of her body as if to shield herself from all our eager eyes. "Don't worry! Don't worry okay! I really shouldn't have said that huh? Uh, well... Just think of Wallenwhatsits!"

Welf smacked his hand over his face, his angered eyebrow askew from above his hand. "You've really got to stop calling her that, Hestia."

My eyes churned in my head as I thought of the black dragon. Something that was sure to bring destruction to the entire human race, was something that we would have to fight someday. Was that why Aiz was pushing herself so hard? To reach a level where she could protect everyone on her own?

That can't be. She wouldn't risk it for something like that. After all, it takes time to obtain such power.

Could it be... revenge? Did the black dragon have something to do with Aiz? Her family?

"How do you all feel about working with the Freya family?" I asked, facing the fireplace. I didn't want anyone to see how I was feeling, but I would honestly do anything if it meant saving Aiz. Well... almost anything.

"I don't like it." Welf said calmly, settling further on the couch.

"I refuse." Lili spoke up, standing up. "After what they did to Bell, how could you expect us to work with them?"

As I slowly turned around, I saw a flame growing in Lili's eyes. Just as I went to open my mouth, the door slowly opened, and a familiar face emerged.

"Mr. Cranel." Ryu smiled, bowing to everyone as she joined me next to the fireplace. "I don't like the idea, but don't worry. I've been asked to keep an eye on the situation. Also, I've been given permission to kill any of them that try to pull a fast one on Bell."

She said my name, and she rarely does. Ryu winked at me, before setting her hand on her wooden sword. "I won't let them take Bell away. Although I don't think that is their intention. I will say, there has been talk of the black dragon lately. More so than ever. The time is nigh." With her last words, Ryu put her hand on my shoulder that had been trembling. "We will get her back." Ryu said quietly, and at that moment I could see sadness in her eyes.

I reached up and put my hand over hers, then gave her a quick glance. Mouthing the words 'thank you', I turned and smiled at the group. "There you have it. I hate to ask you all to do this... But will you help me save Aiz?"

In unison, without thinking, they all stood up and beamed. "Yes!"

I took a long look at each of their faces, their eyes ablaze and fearless as they spoke. It reminded me of the past, and how it didn't matter what we were faced with, we could do anything if we were together.

"Let's go!" 

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