Chapter 23

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This haunting feeling hasn't left me since we descended into the middle floors. I feel as if I'm looking over my shoulder at every turn, afraid that I'm going to be captured and thrown back into the world of loneliness I just escaped.

The deep floors are upon us, and the closer we get the more my heart sinks.

"We will have to divide up in groups once we reach the deep floors. There is too much area to cover, and it will take too long if we all stay together." Ryu says firmly, before flashing me worried eyes. She knows I'm a mess inside right now, even if I try to hide it.

This time we aren't alone.

This time we have more than just Ryu and me, we can't possibly lose, right?

Sure, the first time I was in the deep floors, I had her to lean on. I tried my best to keep my spirit ablaze, and it worked for us. Our enemy isn't as daunting as the one before, so yeah, I should be fine.

But my heart is my worst enemy right now.

As we reach the deep floors, we set all our gear down and take a moment to devise a plan. With the help of Fels communication stones, I felt a little better about parting ways.

"Bell, Welf and Hedin will join me." Ryu started, pointing at each of us as she spoke. I felt cold sweat on the back of my neck, but I clenched my fist with resolve. Regardless of what familia we represent, we are working together for now.

"Haruhime, Mikoto, Lili and Heith will be together."

Ryu crossed her arms and glanced at the two remaining men. "You two will be just fine on your own, right?" She squinted her eyes at Ottar and Hogni who smirked at her. "Yes, ma'am."

They didn't show any signs of devious intentions in their movement, just unwavering strength that two of them equaled four of us.

Man, someday I want to be that strong.

Just like before, Ryu was guiding us through the deep floors. With her knowledge, and our new status, we all exchanged smiles before going our separate ways.

I felt my uneasiness subside as our now smaller group headed towards the white palace. It was important to never let your guard down, but there was something about this expedition that felt different.

Was it that we had all become stronger, since we were last stranded here?

Was it because this was different than before? Without despair on our heels, the monsters we were encountering felt completely different.

We were prepared, and we weren't fighting against death itself.

Truly, there is strength in numbers.

We had managed to dodge the attacks of many peludas, enough to clear a path and get away. When we weren't being chased by skeletons, I found a moment to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" Ryu knelt down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Bell. This isn't going to be like last time." I was taken back for a second, as she had used my first name, for the first time since we were stranded down here. My nerves were growing, itching at my aching soul the closer we got to the colosseum.

"You don't think, she got trapped in there, do you?"

Ryu shook her head then looked straight into my eyes. "We will find her."

Her eyes were calm, like the ocean before a storm. Her hands were steady.

This was nothing like before.

Just as my nerves settled, we heard a shout, and Welf had collapsed up ahead. My body jolted into action, springing from the ground and racing towards the spot where he had fallen.

My eyes filled with terror as I realized what had happened. "Welf, it's going to be okay. Hold on for a second, okay?"

He had been hit by a peluda, and the poison was spreading fast. "Hedin!" I yelled, watching as he bolted towards the peluda to grant me the cover I needed.

Shakily I took out Hakugen, but I knew exactly what I had to do. I pulled out the poisoned spike from his shoulder and quickly stabbed the unicorn knife into the same spot. Welf yelped out in pain before letting out a deep breath as the poison started to leave his body.

His breathing started to steady, and he finally opened his clenched eyes as the dark purple poison left them.

"Ah. Never thought I would be so happy for you to stab me." He tried to laugh but only a painful cough came out.

I covered my eyes with my hand, but I couldn't help but laugh. Welf could turn any situation around. Ryu knew if she put him on our team, it would help keep my spirit up.

She really is amazing, isn't she?

I extended my hand out as I stood up, trying not to lose my smile.

"Well? Let's go save the girl." Welf smiled and grabbed my hand, returning to his feet. Hedin brushed off a few bits of dirt from defeating all the peludas around us, then extended a potion to Welf without saying a word.

As we continued down the winding path, we finally reached a set of stairs that marked the pathway to the colosseum.

My hands started to tremble as I remembered the stairs. I knew exactly where we were. This time would be different though, right?

Fear is rising in my stomach; acid vomit is clinging to the back of my throat. I can't stop myself from shaking. It feels like yesterday when we were trapped here, and our enemy down there probably hasn't changed.

Maybe we can sneak by undetected like we tried to the first time.

But it's haunting me. This was where I almost lost all hope. Ryu tried to sacrifice herself for me to get away, but the truth is, without her I never would have made it. The enemies down here are designed to not let anyone pass.

We have to be dead silent from this point on if we want to survive. 

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