Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Harry's POV

What is my life?  That's all I'm questioning right now.  I could have kissed him.  But I couldn't.  Liam fucking cock-blocked me.  On the plus side, I think I scarred Liam for life.

But now I'm worried.  Louis looked like a deer caught in headlights.  He probably hates me now.  And this feeling, that Louis might hate me, it's sickening.  I messed everything up.  I let my stupid, hormonal feelings blind me from what really mattered.  Our friendship.  Now it'll never be the same.

This was the only thing keeping my ass planted in my bed.  I can't face Louis.  I can't face Liam.  And I really don't want to talk to Niall about all of this.  So if or when I ever get up, I'll be sticking with Zayn.  He's my neutral.

I looked over at the alarm clock and noticed it was nearly 12.  I sighed and decided I couldn't hide forever.  I stood up slowly and stretched up, cracking a few bones in the process.  I picked up a pair of sweats off the floor, slid them on, and opened the door.  I flinched at the light coming from the hallway.  Everything looks so bright and happy, and it just makes me more depressed.  It's a friendly reminder that life hates me, but pleases practically everyone else.

I growled at the sunshine, and proceeded my way down the steps.  I could hear hushed voices from the main room, and it made me nervous.  I hesitated on the last step and listened.

"...bother me if you like him mate, there's nothing wrong with that."  

"I don't like him.  I can't."

I could hear Louis and Zayn, I think.  I peeked around the corner quickly and saw that I was right.  They were deep into a conversation.

"Yea, you tell yourself that."

"Shut up, I'm not gay."

Louis' words stung.  I guess I already knew that he was straight, but that doesn't mean I like to be reminded of it.  And the way he said that... he makes it sound like a horrible insult to be called gay.  It makes my heart ache.  I leaned in closer to try to hear them better, but in doing so I lost my balance and fell face first into the ground.

I heard them gasp and Zayn said, "What the fu---- Harry?" 

I moaned out in pain and squeezed my eyes shut.  I let out a low 'yea.'  I can't believe I did that.  This is embarrassing, considering I got myself caught eavesdropping.

"Are, uh.... you alright?" This time it was Louis who spoke.  I sat up slowly and avoided his gaze.

"Yea, m'fine."  I mumbled.  I tried to prove my point by standing, but my legs had other ideas as they gave out and I fell.  Louis quickly caught me, his arms wrapping tightly around my torso.  I let out a sigh of relief.  That's when I noticed how close our faces were.  I looked up to his eyes, and we locked gazes.  It only lasted a few seconds until Louis flinched and released his grasp on me, sending me tumbling back down to the floor.

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