Chapter 14

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I've had a really busy week, plus I've been sick (still am. *sadface*)

So I apologize in advance for this shit I'm about to write. xxx

Chapter 14


Harry's POV

"What the hell is this?!"

I was sitting at a big oval table, with a picture being shoved in my face.  Management had gotten tipped about the photo that Elizabeth had leaked out.  This is all the bloody girls fault, they should be yelling at her, not me and Lou.

"Me and Louis..." I said, explaining the obvious.  The man in front of me groaned and hit his fists against the table, hard.

"No, really? I meant, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TWO KISSING?!"

I nervously looked over to Lou, and met his worried and shell shocked gaze.  "I, uh..... I..."

"Do you even realize what situation this puts you two in? Not even just you two, the WHOLE BAND! People expect you to be a family friendly group, not some gay faggots!"

I clenched my fists and grimaced at his words.  Niall reached under and grabbed my hand in a friendly gesture.  I met his gaze and saw him give me a short, but sympathetic smile.  I was about to speak, but I heard Louis say something.

"Why does it matter?" Louis whispered, barley audible.

"Excuse me? Did you say something?" The angry man said, threatingly.

Louis spoke up, "Why does it matter? We should be able to date who ever the hell we want to."

Louis' words only angered the man more.  "Arn't you dating Eleanor? Oh yea, that's right... she dumped you... now you're gay with Harry."  Louis' lip quivered and he looked down.  Liam saw and stood up from his chair.

"Stay out of their business! You're here to manage us... not terrorize us!" Liam yelled, clearly pissed off at the man.  I was as well, he had NO right to yell at Louis... and Eleanor is a touchy subject with him.

"Shut it, Payne... this is between Louis, Harry and I."

"Aye, I'm part of this group too, and I have NO problem with them being together... just stop putting them down!"

The man rolled his eyes at Liam, and looked back to Louis.  "Nothing to say?" he said mockingly.  That was it, it was my turn to speak up.

I grabbed Louis' hand that was laying on top of the table and interlocked our fingers.  He shot me a 'what the hell are you doing' look, but I brushed it off and glared up at the man.  "Why don't you shut the hell up! I'm not going to let you terrorize the one I love! We did NOTHING wrong, and here you are, yelling at us!"  I took a deep breath as a way to clam myself down.  I locked gazes with Louis, and he looked overwhelmed, but he never dropped my gaze.  "You can't help who you fall in love with... you can't force us appart."  I was shocked with the sincerity in my voice, with how real what I had said sounded.  An emotion flashed across Louis' face.  It looked almost like love... like a pained love, but before I could decipher it, his face reflected with fear as the man started yelling again.

"If you want to be together so bad, fine.  Don't blame me for the hate and negativity you get from this.  You just jeopardized your whole band.  Congrats on coming out." He said coldly and stormed out of the room.  

I immediately dropped Louis' hand and started pacing back and forth mumbling 'what the hell did I just do' over and over.  Zayn rose from his seat warily. "I'm so sorry guys, if I wouldn't have taken that damn picture, none of this would have--"

"No, no.  It's my fault.  We should have just told them the truth... Instead I dug us deeper into this giant hole.  I'm so sorry guys, this is all my fault..." I said, looking to all of them guiltily.

Louis shook his head and rose up as well. "Stop.  This is that bloody girls fault.  What's done is done." He looked right to me. "We'll get through this." The tone in his voice changed... I can't explain it, but something was off.  I nodded and walked over to Louis, hugging him tight.  I felt his arm's wrap around my waist as I nuzzled my face into his neck.  I breathed in deeply and relaxed a little.  "I know..." I mumbled into his neck.  He squeezed me a little tighter then backed away from our embrace, but kept and arm around my waist.

"Wait... so everyone thinks you two are dating...?" Niall said, looking between Louis and I.  I nodded and furrowed my eye brows in confusion.  "Yea, what about i--" He cut me off.

"You two have to look like a couple... like all the time. What are you going to do in public? Or in interviews... at concerts? Shit guys...," Niall looked at me worriedly, "we have to make you two look like a real couple."

My heart sped up.  Niall was right.  Louis and I had to act like the couple the world now thought we were.  I looked to Lou and saw that he was deep in thought.  I squeezed his waist slightly to get his attention.  He snapped out of thought and looked to me.  We locked gazes, and I could tell something was up.  "You alright?" I whispered lowly, so only he could hear.  He simply nodded, and I could tell he was, yet again, hiding something.  But before I could question him, Liam cleared his throat.

"So, when we go out in public, hold hands," he said with this 'serious' tone, "we'll get more basic ground rules later... but for now lets just get out of here.  I think we've all had enough for one day."  We all nodded in agreement.  "Before we head out, I just want to say that what I said earlier was true... if any of us turned out homosexual," he looked to me and Lou, "I wouldn't mind."

"Me either," Niall chimmed in.

"Ditto," Zayn said, smiling slightly to Louis.  Well alright...

"Um... alright...?" I said, unsure of how to react to their little speech. "I guess I feel the same about you guys." I said, not really sure of why we were saying this.

"Erm.... same." Louis spoke questionably from beside me.

"Good." Liam grinned to himself, and I gave him a weird look.  He shook his head and motioned towards the door.

"Shall we...?"

"God yes, I'm starving."

Zayn chuckled, "You're always starving..."

I smiled a bit, glad to see that this whole 'larry stylinson' thing hadn't ruined us completely.  Maybe we could get ourselves out of this without too many scratches...



It's past 2AM on a weekday, and I just wrote this.

I know it sucks, but I felt bad about not updating so, I just updated.

I might edit it a little later... just to touch up on the loose ends and whatnot.

If you're glad I updated, or even happen to like this chapter (lol probably not) vote & comment.  I love your guys' feedback, both positive and negative. xx

Again, if you read this chapter, comment "Support Larry." I know it's boring, but my brain is too tired to come up with anything clever... >.>

Well, I hope you enjoyed this & I'll try updating again within the next week.

I have to get up in like 4 hours so,


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