Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Harry's POV

I had to get out of there.  I couldn't be around him... I just couldn't.  I actually almost kissed him... he would have hated me. 

I was in my car driving around, nowhere in particular... just driving to clear my head.  I had been doing that for a while when I realized I told Louis I was out to get food, so then I started heading to Mc. Donald’s.  I pulled up and ordered food, just some simple burgers and chips.  

I started to drive home and heard our song "Little Things" come on the radio.  I smiled and turned up the volume.  I sang along, quietly, really just listening to the song.  But when it came up to Louis' part I stopped and just listened.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea,

And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep,

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep,

Though it makes no sense to me..."

I found myself smiling listening to him.  I remember, back when we were recording this in the studio, every time he would sing his solo, he'd look at me with this obviously fake intense look on his face, and just looked into my soul.  The funny thing is, the lyrics almost describe our relationship.  Me and Lou, we tell each other EVERYTHING.. just 'cause we're always together, and we know we can trust one another.  He also tells me that I talk in my sleep, more like mumble and moan, but same difference.  

I'm just so confused... I wish I didn't feel this... like what if my feelings destroy our friendship?  I can't live without him... even if I had no "weird" feelings; he's my best friend.. I honestly cannot live without him.


I let myself think, while I was mindlessly driving home.  Then sooner than I would have liked to, I pulled up to my flat.  I sat there for a while, just staring off at nothing.  I was trying to pull myself together, trying to make up a story as to why I left so suddenly earlier... because I knew I didn't sound convincing when I told him I was off to get food.  I guess I'll just make it up as I go.

I slowly got out of the car and walked up to the door.  I opened the door, walked in, then shut it quietly behind me.  I threw my keys carelessly down on the table.  

I looked around and noticed all the rooms were dark except for a light coming out from under Louis' door.  I took a deep breath and sauntered over to his door.  I hesitantly knocked, but then just let myself in.  

The first thing that I noticed was that he was on his bed, asleep.  I looked down at his face, seeing that he had tear-stained cheeks... He looked so miserable and sad, even in his sleep.  I can't believe I left him like this.

I walked over to his bed and sat down easily.  Then I noticed that he had his phone clasped in his hand.  I gently took it out of his hand, and unlocked it.  He had gotten a call from Eleanor.  I felt anger rise up inside of me.  She's the reason he's been crying... she did this to him... she hurt my Louis.  I clicked the phone off and slammed it down on the bedside table, accidentally waking Lou up.

"...Haz..?" He said, slowly sitting up.  Then I noticed him grabbing his wrist quickly, but I just shook it off.

"Hmmmmm?" Was all I managed out of my mouth, looking down at him.

"Where were you? I missed you.." He whispered bashfully.  Oh God, he looks terrible.  I took this moment to really take this in.  He had dark purple bags under his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot.  His hair was a mess, not the sexy bed-head look, but just plain horrid.  His lips were chapped, and it looked as if he had been biting his bottom lip too much.

I gave him a small smile and held up the Mc. Donald’s bag. "I told you, I went out to get food.." I told him, barley over a whisper, looking down guiltily.

He looked over at the clock and looked back at me, giving me a sad smile. "And that took you over 3 hours?" He said in a sassy voice, trying to lighten the mood.  God, I love this boy, no matter how miserable he is, he still try’s to make people happy.

Then what he said hit me.  I was gone over 3 hours? "I uh.... I may have gotten a bit side-tracked...?" I didn't know what to tell him... but I didn't want to lie either.

"Side-tracked.... right." He looked down, avoiding my gaze.  I knew he didn't believe me, but I had to leave it.

I took in a deep breath. "Well...." I clapped, "lets eat, yea?" 

Lou shook his head no and looked down again. "I'm not really hungry, I feel kind of sick actually.."  

I studied him for a moment.  He does look kind of out of it.  "Fine, I guess..."  

We sat in silence for a moment. Then I got up and walked over to his door.  "I'll just leave then.... night Lou...." I heard him say 'night' then right after I closed the door I mumbled, "I love you...." I kept my eyes on the ground and walked over to my room and collapsed down onto my bed.

I hate myself.... for starting to fall---- for falling for Lou.



You're probably wondering "Lol, what? AN UPDATE!?

And I don't blame you... I haven't updated in a while.  BUT it is holiday break and I promised to update. c:

I'm having writers block though. D: I am truly sorry if this sucked (which I think it did)

But regardless I'll try updating within the next week again.



-Vee :) xxx


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