Chapter 20

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This is way overdue, but here ya go. :))

Chapter 20


Harry's POV

I don't care.  I don't care if I hurt Louis.  I don't care if I just ruined our friendship.  I don't care that I don't care.  Y'know why? Because he was being selfish.  He can't tell me he doesn't want anything more than being friends because I'm "too good for him."  It makes no sense.  But I still like him.  Hell, I think I might even love him.  That's the only thing that made me push off Michelle-- Mindy... who ever she was.  She was so embarrassed that she didn't even say goodbye, she just left.  Not that I really cared.

I sat and thought about nothing and everything.  I noted how hurt he had looked, and I cringed at the thought.  I put on a mask and showed him nothing, however.  He deserved to feel like that, because that's how I felt.  How I felt when he ripped out my heart and fed me a lie.  How dare he just close me out like that.  I know he likes me and I know he wants more... but he wouldn't admit it.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone.  I'd been ignoring it for a while but I finally looked at it.  37 missed calls.  Well shit.  I quickly rang back Zayn, and within the first ring he answered.

"How'd it go?" He sounded happy and preppy... which is strange.

"How'd what go?" I asked, pondering what could possibly have him so happy.

"Don't play dumb with me Harry, how'd things go over with Lou?  I'd sent him over there to confess his feelin--"

"Wait, you sent him over?" I asked, interrupting him.

"Yea, why? He'd just seemed so sad and I'd finally sat him down and--"

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, my heart rate picking up.

"As I was saying, I finally sat him down and talked to him, and he spilled about what happened between you two, and how he lov-- how he feels about you so I sent him out to confess.  Why?  What happened?"

"I was busy trying fuck a lovely girl, thanks."  I put on a facade, pretending like I don't care.

"Whaa--?  Wait... HARRY WHAT?!"

"Jesus Zayn, you can pipe down a bit, yea?  He deserved seeing it.  He was being downright selfish."

"Harry, what in the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" He shouted, ignoring me.  "He had come to apologize you dumb ass.  Plus, he wasn't being selfish, at least not in his eyes.  He was trying to protect you.  Unlike you, he was thinking of all the consequences that could come from you two being together; how this could compromise your relationship, the band.. us in general.  Harry, he likes you so much he's scared.  He doesn't know what to do about it and you fucking shut him out.  He was only trying to do what's best for you, for everyone.  He decided that he made a mistake and he came to confess.  So don't come out and call him selfish.  You have no right."

I listened as Zayn was ranting, and he was right.  But why the hell didn't Louis just tell me before instead of making me feel like shit?  I don't understand.

"Harry, are you even listening?"

I gulped as my guilt started to set in, settling at the pit of my stomach.  What have I done?  

Niall's POV

"Li? D'ya think Lou's alright?"

Liam looked over from the drivers side of the vehicle and squeezed my thigh gently.  "M'sure those two will work it out, they always do."

I smiled at Liam's words and vaguely noted how my leg burned from his touch.  Things like this have been happening, my body's been reacting without my consent.  Liam, he... he does something to me.  I'm still trying to figure out what exactly.

I shook my head to rid of my thoughts and went to switch the radio station.  I winked at Liam as "Sex" by The 1975 came on the radio and I watch as an adorable little blush creeped its way onto his face.  I laughed a little and looked out the window.  I saw lights in the distance and I poked Liam's arm and pointed to the flashing lights.

"What do ya think happened?" I questioned to him.

"I dunno, lets go check it out."  We drove around the block and pulled up to the accident.  I got out of the car and threw up my hood to shield myself from the light rain.  We saw that a lad was being lifted onto a stretcher, unconscious.  My breath hitched in my throat and I had to swallow down vile.  

"Is that...?"  Liam gasped and ran over to the ambulance.  My body was frozen as Liam was yelling my name.  He ran back and grabbed my hand, running over to the ambulance.  A medic stopped us and Liam was shouting, but I zoned out.  Our friend was hurt.  Louis was unconscious.







the next update will come soon enough bc i can't leave you guys hanging for too long...

i'm sure one of you would hunt me down and kill me.. ;)

fan / vote / &comment what you think will happen.

i always love reading what you guys have to say. xx

that's it for now,

bye my loves :)))

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