Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Harry's POV

I can not believe I ran into Louis.  That's the only thing that was running through my head hours later, keeping me from a nice peaceful sleep.  He's all that's on my mind lately... and I blame it completely on this stupid, pointless crush.

I rolled over onto my stomach, trying desperately to find a comfortable position .. but that wasn't it.  I groaned and turned to look at the clock.  2:48.  Well I'm getting no sleep.  Usually I would just go over to Louis' room and climb into bed with him.  But now, for obvious reasons, I can't.  Well, I could but... with my current situation, it'd be wrong.

I sighed and hugged my pillow to my face.  Would Lou really mind if I snuck in and slept with him?  He wouldn't care, right? But I don't know if I could control myself for a whole night... Aw fuck it. 

I hopped out of bed and stumbled my way to my door.  I opened it and stepped out into the hall, crossing it until I got to Louis' room.  I stood there for a minute, deciding if I should knock or not, but just as I held my hand up to knock Lou opened the door and said, "Hop into bed Haz." His face was smug and he opened the door a bit more and pointed to the bed.  I smiled and gladly let myself in, letting out a peaceful sigh as I collapsed down onto his bed.  I heard him laugh from behind me and an amused voice say, "I'm taking it you couldn't sleep either?"

"Nope." I replied simply, popping the 'p'. 

He laughed half-heartedly before I heard him lay down next to me.  I tensed up a bit, and Louis must have felt it because he said, "Haz, get your sexy ass over here and snuggle."  I laughed and obeyed hesitantly, trying to hide the blush I know I had.

I layed my head on his chest, trying really hard to ignore how fit he was.  I bit my lip and breathed in and out as normally as I could. 

"Haz, you're nervous." It came out more of a question than a statement.  I chuckled a bit and nodded. "How come... do I make you nervous?" he asked, not able to hide the surprise in his voice.

I gulped and froze.  He can't know.. not yet.  "N-no.... of course not.." Wow.  I'm a terrible lier, arn't I?

Louis sighed and laughed.  "You're a horrid lier, y'know that?" Yep, that confirms it, I'm a horrid lier.  At least his voice was humorous, so he must not of thought too much about it, thank God. 

"Yea, yea ..." I replied.  Just then I heard Lou yawn, and looked up to see him struggling to keep his eyes open.  "Lou, sleep.  You're obviously tired." 

"Am not." He protested, yawning in the process.

"Oh, and I'm the horrid lier.." I said under my breath, rolling my eyes.  I got no response and looked up to see Louis fast asleep.  Wow, he passed out pretty fast.  I relaxed into him, trying to let sleep pull me under.  It took next to no time before my mind slowed down, and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Louis' POV

I woke up to find a curly haired boy asleep on my chest, letting out soft snores.  I smiled at the sight, and mindlessly ran my fingers through his perfect hair.  People should really give him more credit, this guy is like a sex-god.  I facepalmed.  I need to stop thinking of Harry like that... he's my best mate.

I sighed and glanced over at the clock.  10:27 AM.  Oh SHIT.  A limo was coming to pick us up at 11:00 for an interview.  Liam's going to kill us if we're not ready.  I violently shook Harry awake, instantly regretting it, because he no longer looked peaceful.  Instead he looked pissed off.  "LOU, WHAT THE HELL!?" Harry bellowed, practically in my ear, causing me to grimace.  Well at least he's awake.

"I'm sorry Haz, but we're going to be late if we don't get ready for the interview, like, NOW."  Realization crossed over his face as he looked over at the clock, and his mouth formed into a small "o."

Harry and I got up off the bed, and he striped off his boxers. "Uh, Haz, are you aware that this is my room, and your clothes are in your room?" I questioned, trying to keep my glance from falling from his face.

"Yea, so ...?" He said, a little perplexed.

"Harry, you're naked." I said matter-of-factly, accidentally letting my gaze slip down to his very toned torso.

"What else is new?" He questioned, noticing my stare. "Wait ... does it bother you, y'know ... me being naked ..?" He said, a little to smugly for my liking.

I instantly looked away from his fit body, down to the ground. "N-no, I just ..... nevermind." Gosh, I'm such an awkward potato.  Then, I swore he looked me up and down (with a very satisfied smile, I might add) before he turned and left to his room.

God, this is going to be a long day.



That gif on the side describes how Harry looks at Louis... ;)

Sorry if this chapter kind of blows ... another filler. D:

But I PROMISE it'll get better, at least I think it will... c:

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be put up though, 'cause I'm pretty busy this week, getting ready for school and whatnot.

Yea, I said school. Mine starts on the 15th ... way to early for my liking, but whatever.

ANYWHOO... vote, comment, fan ... do whatever you wish.

I love you all..

-Vee  xx

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