Chapter 19

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***Listen to the song on the side when you read Lou's POV... just, just do it. :') xx


Chapter 19


Zayn's POV

It's been nearly two hours since the interview. I'd seen Harry run out of Louis dressing room a while ago. I figured they fought... but now I'm getting worried. Louis won't let any of us to speak him. The lads and I are sitting against the wall outside of Louis' room. I'm sitting right of Lou's door, and Liam and Niall are across from me. Niall has his head on Liam's shoulder, fast asleep and Liam's on his phone doing something. We can hear sniffles and heartbreaking groans from inside. We'd tried ringing him, but he just silences his phone. I've called Harry a few dozen times as well, but he won't answer either. Whatever happened in there was bad. Real bad.

Then something sparked in my brain. I got out my phone, shaking my head, and shot Louis a text, reading:

Aye mate, let me in. x

If he wouldn't answer his phone, maybe he'd read his texts. I must've been right, because not a minute later, he replied:

Go away.

I sighed and replied:

Louis, c'mon. I wanna help... I know something went down between you and Harry.

I hit send, and a second later I heard a choked sob. It twists my heart when I think of Louis upset like this... any of the lads for that matter. I got up, and Liam looked to me, confusion in his eyes. I ignored him and knocked lightly on the door. I clear my throat and said, "Louis, let me help alright? At least let me in."

I stood there in silence for a good minute before I finally heard shuffling and the door creaked open. I pushed it open and saw Louis was on the ground, next to the door. I turned to look at Liam, silently telling him to just stay put, and shut the door behind me. I crossed in front of Louis, and slid down to the floor right next to him. He gave me a weary look and shook his head, more tears forming.

"Hey now," I cooed like a bloody mother as I threw my arm around his shoulder, "what's wrong?" He just shook his head again and started crying harder, leaning into me. I let him calm back down for a few minutes before I spoke up again. "Now I know you and Harry fought, but what happened?"

I heard Louis take a deep breath. "I m-made a mistake."

I frowned at his comment. "How do you mean?"

"Harry, h-he confessed to liking me butItoldhimIdidn'twanttobemorewhenIreallydobutIcouldn'ttellhimbecausehe'stoogoodforme." By the end of the sentence Louis was worked up again.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down," I told him, rubbing his back in comfort. "But you really should've been straight up honest with him. You need to tell him Louis... I have no doubt in my mind that Harry is a mess right now."

"But Zayn," Louis sighed, "if we were to start a relationship, that would screw us up, as a band. If we were to break up, it'd cause so much shit and i--"

"Oi!" I interrupted him, "Let us worry about that, yea? Right now all you need to do is go find Harry. Now."

Louis looked to me letting his brain process what I'd told him. He wasn't in tears anymore, but rather confused. I stood up and pulled him up with me. He still stared at me with wide eyes. "Well? Go on then." I gave him a little shove towards the door and opened it. He opened his mouth so say something but I cut him off again. "Gooooo!" I laughed out, pushing him out the door. He gave me a small, tight, genuine, smile, nodded, and took off running down the hallway.

I walked out with a smile on my lips, and glanced to Liam who looked so utterly confused, and Niall just looked dazed from his nap. I laughed and shook my head, but filled them in to what had happened.

Louis' POV

My heart was pounding in my ears and I bet my smile was a mile long. I was standing at his door, drenched from head to toe due to the shitty London weather, but still ready to tell him. Ready to tell him that I was being selfish. Ready to tell him how sorry I was. Ready to tell him how perfect he was. Ready to tell him I love him. Before I could turn back, I rushed into the room.

It took me a second to process what was in front of me... not wanting to see it, not wanting to believe it. There were clothes thrown and forgotten on the floor while Harry was grinding on top of a girl. He was shirtless and out of breath, with his tongue down her throat... and I couldn't breathe.

My heart shattered in front of me as I clutched my chest and inhaled sharply, trying desperately to keep my throat from closing. I must've made a noise because both of them turned they're attention to me. I stumbled backwards until my back hit the wall behind me. I felt more pathetic tears build up behind my eyes as I met Harry's gaze.

He was emotionless, like a shell. He looked empty and not at all sympathetic. I couldn't take it. I ran out of the room, out of the house, and down the street. I ran and ran and ran, rain hitting my face and mixing with my tears. I ran for what could've been hours until my legs gave out. I sat in the rain, in the middle of the street and let myself feel. I let myself feel love, feel hurt, feel betrayal, feel hopelessness, feel worthlessness, feel heartbroken, feel stupidity...

I layed down and looked up to the sky. The sky was crying too. It's alright to cry.



I'm actually crying right now. me.

This story is practically writing itself because what I'm writing now is not at all what I planed.

& I'm sorry for taking forever to update, I've had no time what-so-ever.

Stupid school, ugh. :c

ANYWAYS, I really hope you liked this shit chapter. ^-^

I think you should um, y'know, comment and vote for this chapter because you love me... right? 

You all hate me oops.

Comment "Cry it out Lou" if you're a cool cat & let me know you've read this pointless authors note ahaa. :)


EDIT* I lowkey just read through all my chapters again and am crying, like real hard. -5/14/17

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