Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Harry's POV

Yep, Liam's mad.  His face was red and his lip was twitching.  Whoops..

"I told you to be ready... I TOLD YOU!" Liam said, the vain in his forehead threatening to pop.  I crumbled under his intense stare.

Zayn and Niall snickered, and chorused 'OOOOOOOOOOOOs'.  Them little--- "It was my fault, I forgot to set the alarm ... just calm your arse Liam." Thank the lord Louis said something.  I was kind of lost for words myself.

"Whatever, but if we're late, you're talking to Paul, not me." Liam said, finally managing to calm himself down.  I nodded to Liam.

I let out a breath and smiled a weak smile to Louis, silently thanking him for taking the blame.  He just smirked and winked.  Oh God, don't mind me, I'll just be melting...


When we reached the interview, it was nearly 5 minutes before we were supposed to be on.  I glanced at Liam, and immediately regretted it.  If looks could kill, I'm sure Liam would have killed me at least 100 times by now.  When the door opened I bolted out of the limo, and started sprinting to the entrance... but   I face-planted into the ground.  I heard fits full of laughter behind me as I rolled over onto my back.

"Oh my God Harry, are you okay?" Louis asked, obviously concerned about me, but (unsuccessfully) biting back a laugh himself.

"Yea I'm... shit oww.... fine." I said, trying to stand up in the process.

"Here, let me help." Louis offered a hand down to me, which I gladly took.

"Thanks Lou." I thanked, smiling at him.

"Ahahaaaa... nice, hahahaa, fall.." I swear, Niall laughs way too much, it wasn't that funny...


Louis' POV

"So boys, any ladies in the picture?"

We were now on stage for the interview, with about 200 girls in the audience.  

Liam spoke up first, "Yes, as you may already know.  Danielle." He smiled just saying her name, gosh was that boy in love.  Someone in the audience yelled "You're so whipped!" making everyone laugh, and Liam simply nodded.

Next in line was Zayn. "Yes, Perrie." Zayn smiled as well, looking down at his hands.

"Single and ready to mingle!" Harry said, winking out at the audience.  I heard about every girl in the audience scream.  He's such a flirt.

Next was me... but I didn't know how to put it.  El and I broke it off a couple days ago, which is why I wanted to go clubbing... but I'm not sure if I should go public with the news... screw it.  Hopefully management would be alright with it.

"So Louis, you still have that special lady, eh?" The interviewer, Karen I think her name is, asked, looking at me with penetrating eyes.

I looked down at the ground and stared at my feet.  "I, uh, actually, umm... no. Eleanor and I uh .... we split up." Everyone gasped, and some girls even screamed out in horror.  I looked up at Karen and she had an evil smile plastered on her face, probably glad that she could dig up some dirt on us.

"Oh?" She said innocently, wiping that evil look off of her face and replacing it with an obviously fake sympathetic one. "What happened?"

I glanced over at the boys, who all looked shocked as well, except for Harry that is.  He had no emotion on his face, only his eyes held emotion, and I couldn't really decipher it.  I could feel everyone's eyes on me as the whole room went silent.  I need to give them an answer... but what? "We, uh ... we had our differences." I said.  It wasn't neccessarily a lie.  I mean she cheated on me, but I didn't want to tell the world that.  It would destroy her.

Everyone accepted my answer, probably getting the clue that I didn't want to talk about it.  Except for the boys, of course.  I'll have some explaining to do later.

"Alright...." the interviewer said, awkwardly changing the subject. "Niall, how about you? Anyone caught your eye?"

"LIAM PAYNE." Niall burst out, causing himself to blush.  Yea, Niall just embarrassed himself.  Liam looked over at Niall and got up.  He smiled devilishly at Niall as he walked over to him and collapsed into his lap.  Then, to everyone's surprise, he kissed Niall's nose.. causing the poor Irish boy's face to become a deeper shade of crimson.  This caused an uproar of fangirls to scream, and everyone was chanting "Niam, Niam, NIAM!"  I was laughing so hard I had to wipe tears from my eyes.  Oh well, at least everyone wasn't focused on me anymore.

"Well there you have it girls, 2/5 guys for One Direction are AVAILABLE."


After the interview, in the limo, I could feel everyone's stare on me.  I pretended not to notice them, and just stared out the window.


Right as Harry and I walked into our flat he took my hand and sat on our couch in the living room, dragging me down with him. "What happened between you and Eleanor... I mean just a week ago you were head over heals for her, and now suddenly you're not?" Harry's question hit me straight in the gut, his words stung.

"She, uhh, umm.....s-she ch-cheated on me.." I whispered, biting my lip to stop from crying.  I looked down to hide my face, but someones hand made me lift my head.

"She cheated on you?" Harry questioned, his eyes becoming much softer and more welcoming.  I nodded my head silently as I felt a tear escape down my cheek.

"Hey, don't be sad..." He wiped the tear away with his thumb and caressed my face. "Eleanor made a HUGE mistake to cheat on you... you did nothing wrong, at all." He said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I'm such a horrible person.  If I would have been a better boyfriend, treated her better, if I would have just been there for her more, she would have never-" Harry's words cut me off.

"STOP. This is NOT your fault, do not blame yourself.  She was selfish, she doesn't deserve you.  I mean look at you.  You caring, and sweet, and you put everyone before yourself, you're nearly perfect Louis.."  

Harry trailed off, becoming lost in thought.  Just then I noticed how close he was.  I could feel his breath on my face.  I studied him, all of his features, especially his eyes.  They were so beautiful, I can't believe I've never noticed that before.  He is so perfect... it made my breath catch in my throat.  His eyes were so green, so pure, with a little silver along the rims... wait, what am I thinking?!  Harry's a guy, my best mate at that.  I noticed that he was staring at me with that same emotion in his eyes as before, back at the interview.  Suddenly he backed away, letting his hand drop from my face and hoped up from the couch. "I'm gonna go, uh ... get food."  He bolted out the front door before I could even blink...

What the hell..?



I know, I haven't updated in nearly a month, and I'm sorry.  School been so bussy, it's UNBELIEVABLE. (See what I did there... ;))

Oh, and I'm sorry if this sucked, I really am. x

ANYWHOO, vote, rate, comment, or just keep on readin' .... do whatever you pleaseeee. :)

I'll try to update as soon as possible.



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