Chapter 17

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Hey guys. c:

I'm sorry this update is really late, I apologize. xx

But here ya go! :)


Chapter 17




Louis' POV

I've never been so nervous in my life.  I was nearly positive the interview was gonna be horrid.  I was staring at my reflection in the mirror of my dressing room.  It was obvious I was hiding something.  My hands were shaking, my skin had a shinny glow to it (caused by my nervous sweats), and my bottom lip was red and raw due to my continuous biting.  I ran a shaky hand over my face in hope to calm my nerves as I heard a knock at the door.

I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and went to answer the door.  I put my hand on the handle and looked through my peephole and saw a green eye and heard a muffled 'loueh, let me in'.  I opened it swiftly and pulled in the younger lad, shutting the door after him.  He stumbled a bit but caught himself only to give me a questionable look.  I just waved my hand at him, silently telling him to drop it. 

"So, how are you holding up?" Harry asked, probably catching on to my obvious frettiness.

I smiled, well tried to smile and answered, "Brilliant," in a small voice.  Harry scoffed and grabbed my wrist.

"Brilliant my ass," he answered a bit rudely.

His words flipped a switch and I couldn't stop but blow up.  "Well sorry Harry, for being nervous as fuck over this.  Do you not understand the pressure that's on us right now? The whole bloody world thinks we're dating... and this is quite nerve wrecking if you ask me, considering were not really dating.  You don't have to be rude either," I shot back, a little relieved to have gotten that off my chest.

He looked taken aback, and he should have... I just snapped at him.  His shock soon turned to hurt and I instantly regretted yelling at him.  "Haz, I'm sorry... I'm just anxious right now, y'know?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his curls.  "I know, I am too."  He offered up a small smile, and I watched as his nose crinkled.  It reminded me of a bunny, a cute little bunny.  Before I could stop myself, I poked his nose and smiled at how it scrunched up even more as he laughed.  I gulped down the butterflies that I refused to believe were there, and looked down.  I scratched the back of my head and cleared my throat as a question popped into my mind.

"Do you think we're ready enough to do this?"

I watched his eyebrows scrunch together as he thought, and then felt my tummy do a flip as his expression turned into a smirk.  "If you still feel unsecure, we could always practice..." He leaned towards me until I could feel his minty breath on my lips.  I've always been mesmerized at how he can be so comfortable with flirting... not only flirting in general but flirting with me.

I bit back my blush as I pushed him away.  "Horny little bastard," I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.  I could hear him laugh and I sighed silently in relief, noting that he hadn't noticed my awkwardness.  "Oh, you know you want me."  I could hear the wink in his voice and I just snorted at him. 

I took a big step towards him and studied him.  I leaned towards him, hearing his breath hitch and watching how he froze.  I leaned in until I could feel the heat of his breath on my lips, then turned to lean towards his ear.  I let my lips brush against his ear and whispered, " wish."  I tried my best to be seductive and noted that I had succeeded; his expression all but gave it away.  His eyebrows were hidden under his curls, and his lips were parted a little as his eyes were searching mine, following my every movement.  I let myself smirk and said, "Two can play at that game Harold, don't get too ahead of yourself."  I patted his shoulder and laughed at his still frozen posture as I turned around to walk towards the door. 

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