Chapter 21

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I left you guys hanging much too long, I apologize.

Chapter 21


Harry's POV

 This is all my fault.  Everything is.  I'm the reason Louis is even here.

I was in a wooden chair next to the hospital bed.  The smell of anesthetics was overwhelming, and the beeping of the heart monitor was making me uneasy.  Louis himself was making me uneasy.  His thin white frame was heartbreaking, not to mention the million cuts and scrapes that were painted across his body.  The doctors said Louis should be fine overtime.  Should be.  He's in a sort of coma, while his body is repairing itself.  His doctor said it was normal, and he should pop out of it within a week or so, once his brain can function properly.  His words weren't so assuring though.

I interlocked my fingers with Lou's the best I could, and rested my head on the bed as I let tears fall from my face.  I whispered out small apologies between my breathes and kissed the back of his hand.  He'll come out of it.  He has to.

"Harry mate, you should eat.  And sleep.  Lou's not going anywhere."

The voice was coming from across the room.  I lifted my head and looked over to Niall who was sitting on a small, dull looking, love seat against the back wall, with Liam at his side.  I shook my head and let out a small "no" but both of them disagreed.  Then Zayn, who I hadn't seen sitting, got up from beside the sofa and walked over to me, placing a comforting hand on my back. 

"I'll stay here with him, but you've been here for nearly 12 hours.  You should rest up and get some food."

"No.  I'm staying here."  I tried to sound demanding, but my voice cracked.

"It wasn't a question, mate.  Go on home, you two as well," he gestured towards the couple on the sofa, "I'll hold down the fort for a while."

Niall and Liam nodded, and slowly got up, but not me.  I stayed where I was and looked to Lou.  His face was peaceful... at least he wasn't in pain.  I let go of his hand and lightly trailed my fingers up his arm.  I couldn've imagined it, but I swore I saw goosebumps appear where my fingers had been.  Zayn squeezed my shoulders and patted my back.  "Like Niall said, Lou's not going anywhere."

I sighed in defeat and stood up, ever-so-slowly.  My bones cracked and my muscles protested as I stretched.  I looked to Lou's face once more and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.  I closed my eyes and missed on purpose, catching the corner of his lips.  I pulled back so I was inches from his face and inhaled deeply.  "Don't leave me Lou.." I whispered and walked out the door without a glance back.

As I was walking down the corridor, I heard shouting so I stopped and spun around.  People were running into Louis' room.  I bolted my way back but got stopped my the door.  I looked through the window and I saw doctors and nurses aiding to Lou, and I heard more beeping and noises.  I wasn't sure what was happening...the people were blocking my veiw of Louis.  I was pounding on the door and shouting, but Zayn came from behind and pulled me back.

Louis' POV

I wasn't sure where I was, but it was nice.  It was bright and I felt myself relax.  I took in my surroundings and saw that I was in a nice home.  I would be panicking, but I felt so at ease... I didn't care.  I heard singing coming from another room, so I ventured there.  I pushed open the door and saw Harry dancing and cooking what smelled like Alfredo.  He was singing and swaying to music.

I smiled to myself and walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist.  I must've scared him because he nearly jumped to the ceiling.  He turned around quickly, then saw it was me.  His face lit up and he smiled a mile long.  He wrapped his lengthy arms around me and spun me, muttering out a breathless "Lou."  I nearly choked when he connected our lips for a small but sweet kiss as he set me down.  I just smiled  and looked into his eyes.

I was dazed to say the least... I must be in a dream.  

"You're not in a dream Lou."

I scrunched my eyebrows together as Harry answered my internal thought.

"Then where am I?  How did you know what I was thinking?"

"You're inside your own head, love.  So I guess in a way this is a dream... this," he gustured towards everything, "or these, are all your thoughts."

"So I'm imagining you?" I questioned Harry, or whoever.

He nodded.  "Sort of."  I would be lying if I said my heart hadn't dropped a little, meaning this was all simply my imagination.

"Why am I here?"

I watched as Harry's face changed to one of sympathy.  "You're hurt Lou.  You got hit by a car, and are now in the hospital.  Your body is healing itself, and that's why your mind wandered here."

My knees went weak as I fell to the ground.  "I-I got hit by a-a car?! Will I be alright?! What about the band?  What about Harry?"  I was mumbling to myself as imagination Harry came to sit by me.

"You'll be alright, Lou.  Nothing too drastic happened to you.  And I could bet you all the lads are with you, waiting for your recovery."

His, or my, words were somewhat comforting.  I tried to calm down, but my thoughts drifted to Harry.  Is he alright?  Does he still hate me?  Is he waiting for me?

"All you have to do is lie down and fall asleep here, then you'll wake up on the other side."

I simply nodded and got up off the floor.  I looked to imaginary Harry and hugged him.  He hugged me back and guided me to a couch.  "Go ahead, everything will be fine."  I took a deep breath and laid down.  

I closed my eyes and felt Harry gently run his fingers up and down my arm.  I shivered, my body reacting to him as it always has.  I closed my eyes and let my mind go blank.  I thought I had started to dream as I saw Harry lean down and kiss the corner of my mouth.  He pulled back, his eyes still closed as he whispered a heartbreaking, "Don't leave me Lou.."  Harry left and I felt myself wake up.





Alright I'm done, sorry, I felt that I had to share haha.

I really hope you liked it.

If you did enjoy it, don't be afraid to vote, comment & (if you love me c;) fan.



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