Chapter 12

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So I've decided to write today, so... YOU GUYS GET AN UPDATE.

You're welcome. ;)

Chapter 12

EDIT***Anyone dealing with depression or self-harm please be advised***


Harry's POV

"So where are you guys at?"

Currently, us three (Louis, Zayn, and myself) were driving around London trying to figure out where Liam and Niall were.  They said they were going to Nandos, but they lied... we checked.  Zayn pulled up to a red light and concentrated on talking to Liam.

"Oh, alright... but----- no no, we'll just meet you there----- okay, Liam, we're on our way, we nearly----- yea, I've got Louis and Harry with me---- okay Liam, I told you we're almost th---- yes, I know, bye Lia----- okay,----- I know,----- fine,-----GOODBYE LIAM." Zayn hung up the phone and shook his head. He looked over at me and smiled. "Liam says 'hi'," I chuckled.

"So, where are they?" Louis ask from the back seat.  I was shocked to hear his voice, because he's been avoiding talking to me. I don't blame him... 

"Turns out they're at the shopping centre. They were on their way to Nandos, but Niall said he couldn't wait that long for food, so they pulled into the parking lot there."

Louis laughed, and mumbled, "'course." Zayn chuckled and smiled at him through the rear-view mirror.  Then the light turned green and we were our way to Niall and Liam.


When we finally pulled up to the shopping centre, it was half past one.  Zayn told us Niall and Liam were somewhere in the food court.  We walked in and pulled on our sunglasses.  After all, we were recognized pratically everywhere so it's safer if we have some sort of disguise.  We were wondering aimlessly through the mall trying to spot the food court, but someone tapped my shoulder.  I turned around and saw a teenage girl smiling widely at me.

"I knew it," she said, grinning even bigger.  I took in her apperance and found myself smiling.  She was stunning.  She had big blue, innocent eyes, long blond hair pulled into a grey beanie, and a casual but fitting outfit.  I may be crushing on a guy but... that didn't stop me from admiring her beauty.  I pulled at the other two lads jackets to get the to turn around with me.

"Knew what, love?" I asked, already knowing what she was gonna say.

"You're 3/5 of One Direction," She said, matter-of-factly.  I smiled guiltily at her.

"So, our disguises are defensless, yea?" She nodded her head.

I sighed dramatically and pulled my sunglasses over my nose to peer down at her.  She giggled at my action as I said "Figured... what's your name?"

She gave me a soft smile and whispered, "Elizabeth."

"That's a beautiful name," I told her, flirting mindlessly.  I do this with a lot of fans, to keep up my 'flirt' image... managements orders.

She blushed deeply. "Thank you."  I heard Louis cough awkwardly beside me.  Her expression quickly changed as she asked, "Can I maybe get a picture with you guys?" I nodded at motioned for the lads to come closer.

First, she dragged Zayn over towards her. "Mind if I take a selfie with you?" He shook his head and gave her a dazzling smile.  Such a charmer, he is.  She giggled like a child on Christmas and handed her phone over to me. "Could you---" I nodded, already knowing she wanted me to take the picture.

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