(Rewrite) Chapter 10: Horrifying Sights

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"..wh..what..?" I ask, a hint of worry in my voice. "This operation is only in place because of manic numbers rapidly increasing. Whether it be staff, subjects, or whatever...there's just too many of them. And the only way to solve this..is to make them fight to the death." Harry says. My heart rate begins to increase rapidly after what he said. 'Does this mean he knows?! No..he couldn't! He doesn't know!' I think to myself.

"You seem lost in thought, Wesson. What's on your mind?" Harry asks. "..n-nothing..." I reply. "I know you're thinking hard about something." Harry says. "I-It's really n-nothing..." I reply. "If you say so." Harry says, before pulling his radio out. "Bring in the manics." Harry says through the radio. "Copy that." A voice says from his radio.

I watch as the door into the garden opens. A guard throws a manic into the room, before swiftly closing it. The manic growls, before getting up from the floor and pacing around the room. The door suddenly opens again, as two more manics are thrown into the room. The manics seem to be territorial, as they all try to make sure no one gets into their space bubble. The manics circles around each other, before one manic pounces on another.

The manic raises its claw up into the air, slashing the weak manic on the throat. It tries to reach for its throat, but to no avail. The weak manic is pinned down, and can't get out of the other manic's grip. I watch as goo begins pouring out of it's throat, before choking on its own blood. The manic on top of the now dead manic is immediately grabbed, and thrown to the ground by another manic.

The manic on the ground tries to desperately claw at the manic that just grabbed it, but it's no use, as the manic that threw the other one to the ground repeatedly stomps on their head, until it explodes. The manic that won the fight now has a grin on its face, as two more manics are thrown into the room.

"Alright, I've had enough." Harry says, before pressing a red button. I stand by and watch as a gas fills the garden room, causing all of the manics to go into a coughing fit, before collapsing to the floor, dead. I watch as the gas now disappears from the room as Harry presses a grey button next to the red one.

I take a moment to process the horrifying sight that unfolded beneath my very eyes. (Insert 1000 yard stare) "..what..did I just witness.." I say, in utter shock, as I watch guards enter the room once again, dragging the bodies of the manics to somewhere I couldn't see. "You witnessed M-Ext. That's what you witnessed." Harry says. "..I...I never agreed to watch this..ANY of this..." I say. "Yes, but you're going to have to get used to things like this." Harry says, starting to walk out of the room. I follow behind him, the vision of the two manic's dead bodies continuously popping up in my head.

Harry scans his ID card on the door once again, walking out with me as it opens. I look down at the floor, questioning what I had just witnessed.

Dr. L's POV

I walk back from my hotel room, with the syringe in my hands. I then walk into the garden, only to not see Jake. "Does he really have that short of an attention span?" I ask to myself. 'Fucckk..where is he...where is he.....WHERE IS HE..' I think to myself, frantically searching across the whole facility. I bump into someone as I look up. It's Harry, the head scientist.

Harry pushes me off of him, before I see Jake with a sad expression on his face. "Wesson! What on earth-" I am unable to finish my sentence as Harry interrupts me. "You should be asking me the questions." Harry says, interrupting me. "..anyways. What did you do? Why is he so glum? And why is he with you.." I ask, a hint of disgust in the last question.

"Simple. I made him watch M-Ext." Harry replies. "That crazy extermination?! He's only a trainee! He's fucking scarred for life now! Look at him!" I exclaim. I glance at Jake, noticing his eyes look different. His iris is magenta, while a cyan outline is on his iris. His pupil looks slightly larger than normal, and his eyes resemble more of an animal. 'Did his eyes..always look like that?' I ponder.

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