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Bora, the tantalizing scent of pancakes lingering on her clothes, stepped outside into the cool morning air after finishing her breakfast. As she shut the door behind her, she couldn't get rid of the anxious thrill that was rising within her. She had changed her routine little but significantly today—for the first time, she was looking forward to Jimin's arrival.

As Bora waited on her porch and occasionally glanced at her watch, the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and orange. With every second that went by, she could feel her heart flutter, wondering when he would show up. As a gentle wind rustled through the foliage, Bora saw herself twitching the hem of her sweater.

Bora's eyes flashed with interest and excitement as she spotted Jimin coming. A subtle spark flared between them the instant their eyes met, and they exchanged smiles that conveyed a quiet language that only they appeared to comprehend. Jimin's lips curled into a more daring, flirtatious smile, and his eyes contained a mischievous glimmer.

Jimin said, "Good morning, Boo" with a hint of humour in his voice. Bora answered, "Morning," a slight flush creeping across her cheeks. With a lighthearted twinkle in his eyes, Jimin said, drawing closer as he spoke, "Looks like you waited for me."

"Ah! "Let's get going, Jimin," Bora yelled, quickening her step, as she made her way towards their school without skipping a beat. Jimin hopped joyously behind her in follow. Their laughing reverberated in the early air, a symphony of joyous sharing that gave the commonplace streets a vivid new hue.

The flirtatious banter continued as they made their way down the well-known route to school, creating a tapestry of connection that was at once cozy and thrilling. The outside world appeared to disappear, leaving only the two of them engrossed with each other.

A happy voice cut through Bora and Jimin's whispers as they entered the school and made their way to their class. "Good morning!" The voice belonged to Alex, a gregarious student with an endless supply of energy.

Bora forced a pleasant grin, rolling her eyes inwardly at the interruption. However, Jimin didn't seem phased, his laid-back manner not seeming to be impacted by the unexpected company.

"Let's all go together inside!" Alex said, entwining her arm with theirs as the three set off on foot. Even though they seemed to be getting along, Jimin and Bora couldn't help but look at each other. Jimin's expression was cool and controlled, but Bora's irritation was hardly concealed.

As they took their seats in the class, Bora's curiosity reached a breaking point. She leaned in to sit close to Jimin and spoke, a gentle voice meant exclusively for him. "She called your name, but why? I was also there."

The question took Jimin by surprise, and he gave Bora a sheepish look. With equal hushes, he said, "I have no idea. Maybe she just wanted to say hi."

"Jimin, I really don't like the way she's beaming at you. Please, it was really clear. What is happening?" Bora asked, hinting at a slight haste in her voice.

Concerned about the provocative actions of Alex, Bora approached Jimin. She pressed him on the clear connection, frustrated and seeking clarification. Jimin promised his allegiance and reassured her that it was nothing. Even though Bora felt a little more at ease, she was still uncomfortable as they walked carefully on the thin line between communication and trust.

"I do not want this to happen-" as soon as the teacher entered the classroom, Bora's concerns were immediately cut off to Jimin. She stopped talking, giving Jimin a lingering glance that was equal parts angry and pleading. The classroom fell into a focused silence, but the unspoken tension between them remained.


The students burst into animated conversation and giggles as the lunch bell rang across the corridors. But even in this vibrant environment, Bora's mind was a jumble of contradicting ideas and feelings. The cacophony outside was overpowered by the noise of her inner turmoil, producing a discord that reflected the turbulence in her heart.

The exterior hum only intensified the internal chaos as she made her way through the busy halls towards the cafeteria, preparing her for a lunch break full of reflection and unsolved questions.

Bora's thoughts circled back to the moments when Alex would persistently glance and grin at them in the class hours. It was an unconscious competition for Jimin's attention that was always there and made Bora nervous. She tried not to seem possessive, but something about the setting made her feel uneasy.

Bora couldn't help but detest the kindness that emanated from Alex's eyes as they were always fixed on Jimin. She wondered if her worries were legitimate or just insecurities because of the internal conflict she had between her desire to be a carefree partner and the circumstances. The weight of unspoken emotions followed her into the cafeteria, causing her to reflect and struggle with her innermost feelings during her lunch break.

"Hello!" As Bora tried to find a place at one of the tables, a voice that had grown annoying to her burst through her thoughts. When Bora spun back in shock, she saw Alex standing there holding her tray of lunch and grinning innocently. It was obvious how the cordial greeting contrasted with Bora's inner struggle. In response, Bora forced a tight smile, her unease boiling beneath the surface as the unexpected visitor threatened to upset the delicate emotional equilibrium inside of her.

"Can we have lunch together?" Alex asked, her eyes focused on Bora. Unexpectedly, and unable to decline directly, Bora grudgingly nodded her approval. As they took a seat at the same table, the tension between them persisted, and Bora felt stuck in an uncomfortable dynamic. Bora avoided the awkwardness of eating with someone whose intentions were unclear by sneaking looks at Jimin and silently praying for a lifeline.

"Where is Jimin?" While eating on her lunch, Alex asked casually, "I didn't see him after classes." Bora drew a long breath and answered in a controlled tone. "He said he will be back soon, probably working on some assignments." There was a faint strain in the air between them, the dynamics of the situation bubbling beneath the surface to be expressed. Careful with her remarks, Bora wondered what Alex really wanted from Jimin, all the while masking her own fears with a calm front.

"Oh! I'm sure I didn't tell you. I recently moved here with my family. Here they are, at last!" With a sigh, Alex reached into her pocket to take out her phone. She took a moment to browse through her collection, picked out a picture, and showed it to Bora with pride. "This is my family!"

Bora faked a smile as if the picture intrigued her.

When someone contacted Alex on her phone, Bora's smile turned to wide-eyed amazement, and the caller ID made her doubt something. "I apologize! In a moment!" With a swift apology, Alex hung up the phone and turned to check her messages. Bora couldn't help but wonder what caused the pause, and the moment lingered in the air, heavy with unsaid tension.

Bora finally asked the question that had been bothering her for a while because she was unable to control her curiosity. With her gaze concentrated on Alex, she asked, "Who was it on the screen when you received the call?"

Alex answered, hesitant for a time before smiling shyly and saying,

"That's my boyfriend. He is currently in Germany. My country!"

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