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With tears streaming down her cheeks, Bora's shaking body betrayed the agony within her. "Jimin, how could you do this to me?" Her hurt and perplexity were evident in her voice, and there was no denying the weight of her feelings between them.

Jimin met her stare with an unreadable blend of resignation. Bora's heart was being emptied out, tears were streaming down her face. "I had faith in you! You just act as though I don't exist, even though I have given you everything. It aches." Her fragility was exposed to him with every word, cutting into her already broken heart like a dagger.

Even though she knew and completely understood what she did to him, she couldn't forget him. After all, she loved him.

Jimin sighed heavily, burdened by their shared past, tainted by his own transgressions. "I am this way, Bora. This is how I was," he admitted, "If you want to accept it, stay with me."

A wave of contradictory feelings swept over Bora. She felt a deep sense of sadness at the prospect of leaving Jimin behind, one that was almost overwhelming. On the other hand, could she really bear the suffering of loving someone who didn't seem to feel the same way back?

She was struggling with her emotions when Jimin presented her with an offer that took her by surprise. "I'll remove every piece of your data. Is that okay?" His remarks lingered in the atmosphere between them, their connotations gradually becoming apparent.

For an instant, Jimin's gesture left Bora stunned, her thoughts spinning from its grandeur. Could she really believe he would keep his word? Was this a sincere effort to set things right, or was it just a stopgap measure to ease her hurt feelings?

"Think about it!" Her thoughts were interrupted by Jimin's voice, who gently reminded her that in the end, the choice was hers. He turned and walked away, giving Bora one last look before leaving her to consider her options.

Bora knew that whichever choice she made, standing by herself in the empty classroom, would impact their relationship in ways she could not have predicted. So, her heart heavy and her thoughts clouded by doubt, she started thinking about what lied ahead.

Bora's head buzzed from the weight of Jimin's words and the turbulent feelings that were whirling inside of her on her way home. She was unable to ignore the pain he had given her—the sleepless nights, the secret tears of anguish. Nevertheless, for some reason, she kept finding herself pulled to him, like a moth to a flame.

In her heart, she knew that she would be all too happy to forget the incident and welcome him back into her life. Jimin never apologised or expressed regret, yet she was still willing to give him another hug. It was a realisation that simultaneously brought her comfort and caused her anxiety.

A terrifying reminder of the evil that existed beneath the surface of their relationship, the image of his hands around her throat lingered in the back of her mind. However, she had long since forgotten about those recollections, preferring to concentrate on their few but precious moments together.

Her nights of insomnia had become her regular companion; the emptiness left by Jimin's warmth at her side could not be filled with enough tears. She'd been used to the cadence of his breathing, the steady pounding of his heart lulling her into something approaching tranquilly. She felt alone and lost in a sea of longing and uncertainty without him.

Her decision was ultimately motivated by a basic, acute need. It was a painful but unavoidably true realisation that she needed Jimin more than he needed her.

So, Bora took her decision while feeling dejected and heavy in heart. Let the consequences be damned, she would go back to Jimin. For, short though it may be, she felt comfort in his arms. She was prepared to pay the price if it meant that she would at last experience some serenity, even if it was only for a brief period of time.

Thoughts of Jimin dominated Bora's mind as she sat at the dinner table. She was unable to get rid of the need that was pulling at her heart, telling her to find him and put their broken love back together. Her longing to see him intensified with every second that went by, until it consumed all of her thoughts.

She withdrew to her room after supper, a feeling of expectancy growing in her. To convey to Jimin how much she cared, she wanted to look her best. Her hands shaking, she picked out an ensemble, each item picked out with great care. Her pulse was pounding with anticipation as she finished her makeup, the thought of meeting Jimin tonight making her feel euphoric.

Bora's enthusiasm peaked as the night went on and the house became quiet. She paced back and forth, her excitement growing with every second that went by. Then she heard a knock on the door, just as she was about to lose herself in impatience.

She hurried to answer it, her mind racing with images of Jimin waiting on the other side, her heart leaping in her chest. She was shocked to see that it was Taehyung, with a cheeky grin on his face.

"He said he would sleep, only with you!" With a pout, Taehyung accented his words with a feeling of urgency that took Bora by surprise.

Her head was fogged with confusion as she tried to make sense of what was going on. She looked from Taehyung to the empty corridor beyond and muttered, "What?"

Her gaze was drawn back to Taehyung by her beseeching eyes before she could collect her thoughts. "My parents aren't at home! Please, please help me!" His words were filled with desperation as he complained.

The sound of her mother's footsteps on the stairs made Bora's mind race as she considered her options, and her sense of urgency only increased. She gave Taehyung a short nod of assurance, her resolve unwavering in the face of the turmoil going on all around her.

"Don't worry, Taehyung." Despite her own distress, she reassured him, "We'll take care of him."

Feeling relief in the air, Taehyung smiled gratefully and brought his younger brother Joon-woo into the room. A wave of responsibility overcame Bora as Joon-woo fell asleep on the bed, his eyes weary. 

"Noona, come on over. I'm tired." Joon-woo muttered, tiredness slurring his words.

The sight of the small boy with his innocent eyes beseeching for comfort made Bora's heart tighten. She

promised without hesitation to be by his side and provide the protection and comfort he so much needed.

Taehyung remarked, "Noona will not leave you, Joonie, even for a moment." He said goodbye with a final smile and shut the door, leaving Bora by herself with the sleeping kid.

A wave of warmth and love filled Bora's heart as Joon-woo's petite figure pushed against hers. She lay still, her body tensed from the strange feeling of being so profoundly needed. She felt uneasy at first, but she refrained from pushing Joon-woo away. Rather, she let herself fall into his arms, his even breathing soothing her into a state of relaxation.

Bora couldn't get rid of the images of Jimin that were lurking in the back of her mind as the night went on. His absence was palpable, a chasm that seemed to be closing in on her every second. But as she lay there, crushed under Joon-woo's sleeping form, she discovered that she was gradually giving in to the fatigue pulling at her tired body.

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