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Bora sat frozen on her bed, the sound of the knock reverberating through the room, sending shivers down her spine. Every nerve in her body seemed to vibrate with fear, her mind conjuring up vivid images of what awaited on the other side of the door. She could almost picture Jimin, his presence looming ominously as he stood outside, a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

With each passing moment, her dread intensified, her imagination running wild with scenarios of impending doom. Would he burst through the door with malicious intent, ready to unleash his wrath upon her? Or perhaps he would simply stand there, his mere presence suffocating her with its malevolence.

Her hands trembled violently, her brain conjuring up the worst-case scenarios that would make her fear unbearable. Even before he stepped into the room, she could feel the weight of his gaze cutting through her like knives, robbing her of all sense of security or safety.

However, a far-off voice cut through the cloud of her thoughts and brought her back to the present. Her mother was calling out to her, her voice growing more urgent as the unbearable quiet gave way to a frantic cry for comfort. But her own heart was beating so hard that not even her mother's voice could comfort her.

The knocks grew louder, more insistent, each rap against the door echoing like a thunderclap in her ears. They reverberated through her very being, amplifying her fear until it felt as though her heart would burst from her chest. It was as if the sound itself was a physical manifestation of her terror, pounding relentlessly against the walls of her sanity.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the knocking ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. But the respite was short-lived, as her mother's voice once again broke through the stillness, her tone frantic with worry.

Bora finally plucked up the strength to get out of bed, her legs feeling as heavy as lead, and opened the door with a quivering hand. Her heart felt like it would burst from her chest with every step she took, terror still having a firm grasp on her.

With her mother's voice pushing her to let the guest in, Bora opened the door warily, her heart racing. She felt a wave of relief when she realised it was some other boy, not Jimin, who stood in front of her. He shoved by her and headed for the adjoining toilet before she could register the whole thing.

As she saw him vanish into the little space, her eyes grew wide with uncertainty as her brain tried to make sense of the unexpected interruption. Her thoughts racing as she attempted to make sense of what was occurring, she stood motionless in shock.

Then, the unmistakable sound of discomfort echoed from behind the closed door, the boy's moans of relief cutting through the tension in the room. Bora's disbelief only deepened, her mind reeling at the absurdity of the situation.

"What made you so long to open the... ahh," the boy's voice trailed off into a moaning groan, leaving Bora speechless as she listened to the unexpected confession. She couldn't believe her ears, the absurdity of the moment leaving her utterly bewildered.

The boy quickly came from the lavatory, hurrying to zip up his clothing and wearing a relieved expression. With her head still reeling from the strange turn of events, Bora stayed frozen in place.

"Hi!" He said, his expression fixed in a broad smile. "My name is Taehyung" As Bora took in Taehyung's sudden introduction, her heart raced. As he reached for her hand, his kind smile did little to clear up her confusion. However, she was unable to return the gesture, instead fixing her sceptical and disbelieving gaze on him.

"I have washed my hands!" Bora was comforted by Taehyung, but she wasn't sure if she should believe him. The whole scenario seemed unreal, more like something from an odd dream than the real world.

Bora arched a brow and found the voice to say anything. She asked, trying to make sense of Taehyung's presence in her room, "Who are you?" with a hint of confusion in her voice. His answer, which revealed that his family had moved in across the street recently but hadn't yet received their house key, only served to further perplex her.

Bora became increasingly irritated with Taehyung's laid-back attitude. She angrily exclaimed, "Get out!" her rage growing not only at him but also at the internal conflict Jimin's actions had caused her. With a quiet response, Taehyung nodded and departed the room, a tinge of disappointment visible on his thin lips.

But Taehyung's eyes lingered on a picture on the wall before he left, "Nice picture!" a little remark escaping through his lips before he was out of sight. Bora collapsed onto the bed with a heavy sigh, feeling all of her feelings bearing down on her.

However, her interest was aroused as she heard laughing reverberating from the living room. She forced herself to ignore her racing thoughts and walked downstairs, her steps laden with nervousness.

She saw two families gathered together in the living room, their faces beaming with expectation and happiness as she walked in. The Parks, whose faces she had seen for years, were seated on one side, while the Kims, who were new to the area, were seated on the other.

They seemed to be having a lively conversation, almost like they were getting ready for a party or feast. Bora couldn't help but be intrigued by the dynamics between the two families, their exchanges suggesting a shared past or friendship that she still hadn't dug into.

Bora was struck, as she observed the sight, that perhaps the secret to solving the riddles of her own confused feelings lay in this unexpected meeting. Stepping further into the room with a resolute resolve, she prepared herself to face whatever disclosures her neighbours might have in store for her.

"That's my daughter! Bora!" Both strangers and well-known faces watched Bora with waiting eyes as she descended the steps. The room turned to face her as her mother's pleased declaration brought her to the group's attention. Even Jimin looked at her, but there was no trace of regret or recognition in his eyes.

But among the scrutiny, Taehyung was the one who smiled authentically. His kind salutation, "Borahae," caused people in his immediate vicinity to glance askance at his unusual countenance. Taehyung's habit of making up new terms appeared to make people like him, and Bora couldn't help but find herself chuckling at it.

"He created a new word again!" which caused the crowd to erupt in laughter. At last Bora's eyes settled on a tiny child sitting in the middle of the group, his innocent eyes full of mischief. He was definitely Taehyung's younger brother, and he couldn't have been older than seven or eight years.

Bora walked up to the little kid and sat down next to him, a smile pulling at her lips. His lively and amiable demeanour while interacting with others provided a much-needed diversion from the stress that pervaded the atmosphere.

Bora looked at the small child next to her, asking him what his name was, her eyes lighting up with wonder. "What's your name?" With a gentle and friendly tone, she posed the question.

The child answered, "Joon-woo," though it appeared as though he was pouting a little when he said his name. He looked a lot like Taehyung, and Bora couldn't help but remark how similar their looks were, giving the impression of being related.

However, Bora's focus returned to the rest of the room when her father asked Jimin a question. She heard her father speak to Jimin, his tone both kind and inquisitive. But Jimin's answer was ambiguous, his smile hiding any trace of more than surface level feeling.

"It's nothing, uncle. It felt like a pleasant day." Jimin answered, but he did not look directly into Bora's eyes. Her mind was filled with inquiries, questioning how Jimin could be feeling so abnormally happy.

Bora could not get rid of the uneasy sensation that descended upon her as she picked absently at her food with her fork. What made today so unique? She puzzled, trying to make sense of the unexplainable change in the atmosphere, her thoughts racing with doubt.

A wave of rage swept through Bora, making her get to her feet and pretend to reach for the soup in front of Jimin. She threw it over with purpose, spilling its contents all over him. He was surprised when some of the boiling liquid poured into his face and he got to his feet, his trousers drenched.

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