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The words rang in Bora's head like a menacing refrain, and she was motionless, her eyes wide with bewilderment. She felt as though something had moved under her feet and left her adrift in an uncharted area.

When Bora spoke, the weight of the moment nearly overshadowed her words, which were delivered with a mix of surprise and barely suppressed scepticism. She whispered, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend," her astonishment evident in the exchange. Light and airy, Alex's laugh seemed to dance about the room before she answered, her own words tinted with shyness. She blurted, "I've known him for two years, and we just started dating," as though she couldn't handle the intensity of the situation.

Even though her eyes were turned away, there was a fragility and gentleness in her tone that conveyed a lot. A multitude of unsaid facts hovered over that brief interaction, the delicate delicacy of burgeoning affection blending with the weight of just discovered knowledge. Amidst all, Bora was only able to give a slight nod, her own heart heaving with comprehension and acceptance.

A hesitant bridge between the past and present, Bora's attempt to defuse the situation with a compliment hung in the air. "I think you guys look cute together," she said, her chewing sounding like a gentle yet genuine accent. More than words could say, Alex's appreciative smile acknowledged Bora's assistance during a vulnerable moment. She said, "Thank you," her expression glowing with gratitude.

As if on cue, Jimin showed up at that very moment and sat down next to Bora. His presence caused a ripple effect in the atmosphere, evoking both recognizable and unresolved feelings. Bora looked at him, her heart pounding a little at the closeness, a plethora of emotions and ideas churning beneath the surface. Nevertheless, she was able to suppress her inner conflict with a courteous nod as she returned her focus to her food, a taste of bittersweet memories still clinging to her mouth.

Bora felt the disappointment creep in at the corners of her mind as Alex turned the talk to more realistic topics. Alex asked about assignments, and she listened, her eyes lingering on Jimin as he nodded slightly in response. Bora tried to hide her emotions, but she was unable to get rid of the nagging feeling that she was only an observer in this conversation between Jimin and Alex.

Her own unsaid ideas demanded to be heard, a quiet protest against the partition of silence that appeared to keep her apart from the rest of the discussion. The burden of her own fears prevented her from speaking out, even though she yearned to do so in order to restore her position in the conversation.

Bora forced a grin as the talk went on, forcing herself to live in the here and now even if loneliness was eating away at her heart. Although she understood in her heart that other people's opinions didn't define her value, for that brief moment the hurt of being ignored was nearly unbearable.

Bora finished her lunch and got up from her chair, footsteps resonating in the room as she headed for the door. As Alex concentrated on moving forward, her thoughts were a mix of contradictory feelings, and the murmur of her talk with Jimin became muffled.

Just as she got to the doorway, she heard footsteps behind her and looked over her shoulder to see Jimin running to catch up. She was brought back to the current time by his tone, which had a trace of lighthearted rebuke. He taunted, "Why did you leave me there, Boo?" with a warmth in his voice that smoothed the edges of her discomfort.

Bora answered Jimin's question, her casual tone belying the whirlwind of emotions churning within her. "I thought you guys were still talking, so I left," she said, her tone casual enough to hide the underlying need in her heart. Even while she maintained her collected exterior, she was nonetheless plagued by a persistent feeling of dread that persisted throughout the exchange.

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