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“I don't want to go to school.” Complained Emmit, holding himself under the sheets on his bed. His mother sat by him, her hand on his leg. 

Her face was gaunt and dark bags hung under her eyes. Her skin was an unhealthy pale and her hair was thin and brittle. She looked beat down to the bone. “Dear, please. We are already on contract. You can’t miss anymore school. I-I understand it's hard. I get that you don't want to go and I wouldn't make you go if you didn't have to but please sweetie.. if you miss anymore days we will have problems with truancy and- and..” she sighed.

Emmit slowly sat up and shook his head. “I can't. I just can't. Mom.. my head is so loud today. I keep seeing bugs crawling under my skin. I feel them crawling under my skin. Mom please. Please tell me there are no bugs. Please tell me I don't have to go to school!”

“Oh my dear.. oh god, honey.. There are no bugs..” she lightly grabbed his hand and rubbed his arm. “If-if you see any bugs right now, I'm squishing them. Ok honey? I'm making all the bugs go away. All the bugs go away and all the sounds get quiet. Then you can go to school? Please?”

“Mom.” He pulled his arm away. “You don't understand.. I- Lacch and Cody make it easier but-”

A soft sob emitted from Emmit's mother. “Oh.. oh my sweet baby. Please.. Lacch is dead. Cody doesn't exist. Please. Oh please sweetie..”

Emmit's face hardened. “Don't lie to me. I don't like it when you lie. I saw Lacch and Cody yesterday. They are alive. They are real.”

Emmit's mother just shook her head and quietly cried.


“Mrs. Wallerson.. I hope you understand what your son did at school today is not ok. He could have seriously hurt that boy and it's possible that his parents can press charges.” started the principal. “And he is blaming it on-

“Oh yes I know sir. I know.. please. You have to understand Emmit is troubled. He doesn't mean to hurt people. He has so many pent up feelings and he feels so guilty after he hurts someone and so- so he blames it on that Cody person in his mind and oh.. oh goodness. I'm so sorry sir. We are upping his meds every week but it isn't working. We are thinking of trying something new. We have him with multiple therapists right now and-”

“Mrs. Wallerson. Please. Calm down.” The man cleared his throat. “When Emmit doesn't get what he wants he can become very manipulative. It's not normal for a teen to just be able to convince a person to try to.. to try to hurt somebody just because they didn't want to hang out. And when we confront him on it he claims that he didn't do anything and it's this.. this Cody that did it! I hope you have tried to at least remind him that Cody is not real. That Cody is just a bit of his imagination.”

Emmit's mother wiped away her tears. “Yes. I understand. And I have. Things have just gotten so much worse. Emmit's best friend died three years ago and- oh god.. his father.. His father is the reason why he gets so angry if he doesn't get what he wants. His father spoiled him rotten but after his father left us and now when he doesn't get what he wants and he- oh gods.. I'm so sorry. It's so much..”

The principal signed and shook his head. “Heather.. I understand you are stressed. I understand you are having a rough time. And I know your insurance isn't the best, but I think it's time you start looking into some more.. Long term help for Emmit. There is this lovely rehabilitation center. It's a bit far away, it's called Newport. It has a great community, lovely homes and-”

“I can't send him off! Oh.. oh! What will I do without him? Please.. you don't understand how much my son means to me-!”

Heather. Your son is dangerous. The program takes thirty to ninety days. Just start off with that. From there, we can go more into it.. But your son needs help.”

Heather took a breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Oh goodnes- but.. I-I” she shook her head. “Yes.. yes.. I understand.. I will see if our insurance covers it…”

“Good.. Thank you.”

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