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Lacch knew where Emmit was.

He was in custody being treated by a doctor, her name was Sirona Althea, if they remembered correctly. She worked under the cult, which was a bad sign. If things went south, it would take one prick of a needle to put Emmit into death.

Lacch intended to break him out. Help Emmit. Earn his love. Euan's words stuck in his head, speaking blasphemy about how Emmit was using them, that their love wasn't true. If anything it made Lacch wish to prove themselves even more. Show Emmit that they were worthy. Sure, a small part of them felt a bit bad about saying all that to their brother, but it probably doesn't matter. Hopefully it didn't bother them that much. At worse, Euan learned his lesson and won't bother them with those terrible demons anymore. They could just be happy and alone with Emmit, they would never allow their lover to die. even if it was true, even if Emmit didn't feel the same, Lacch would still love him unconditionally.


Emmit groaned as he sat up in a medical bed. He groaned as he felt something pull at his wrist. He glanced at it to see the handcuffs that held him back. He scoffed and pulled at them.

That's right, he was caught. The damn pigs caught him and sent him to this doctor. He pulled at the cuffs that held him back again. What would he do now that he was caught? If he didn't do anything, he would surely get sent to prison, or worse, death. They wouldn't take the Cody excuse. If he was going to get out of this, he has to do something smart, at least delay the court case. Maybe Lacch will actually be useful and break him out or something. Worst comes to worst, he could just get in their head and force them to help him.

Emmit flinched as the door opened. A- rather pretty -doctor entered the room. She had dark brown eyes that were sharp and fox-like. Her hair was short and hazel colored. Her posture, despite its formality, showed a tired undertone. Her shoulders had a slight slump to them and her eyes had a droop. Seeing that Emmit was awake, she made sure that she was standing up straight and clasped her hands together in front of herself.

“Good morning, Mr. Wallerson. Glad to see you're finally awake. I'm Dr. Althea, pleasure to meet you.”

He had to make a last minute choice. Choose how he was going to try to delay his fate on most likely death row. “W…Who?” He quietly asked. They couldn't prosecute him for anything if he didn't remember it, right?

She raised a brow and cleared her throat. “Mr. Wallerson? Emmit Wallerson.” She shuffled a bit, not really sure how to react to the man not recognizing his own name.

“I.. don't know who you are talking about. Why am I here? Why am I handcuffed?” He asked, trying his best to have wide, innocent eyes. He wanted to look as harmless as possible. Like he couldn't- and wouldn't- hurt a fly.

She sighed and glanced around, obviously not knowing how much she should tell Emmit. Her confusion and struggles almost made Emmit want to laugh. How she was struggling to explain to him what's going on.

“What do you remember, sir?” She eventually asked as she took out a notepad. She shuffled through the pages until she found one that was blank.

What would he remember? He wanted to remember stuff that would make him seem innocent. “Em.” He simply said. “I remember a woman.. half..crow? She.. wanted to help me.. but.. she couldn't. She was working with people trying to hurt me..”

Dr. Althea hummed and leaned forward. “Very intriguing. Life does work in an interesting way..”

Emmit slowly nodded. “Do you believe me? Do you know the person I'm talking about?” He slowly asked. Perhaps he could figure out if this woman was working with the cult. And what's with that bizarre response? 'life does work in an interesting way' what the hell does that even mean?

“I do believe I know of the person you speak of.” She quickly took notes. Her writing was quick yet neat. She hummed again and held her notebook at her side. “Stay put. I will return soon.” She made her way out of the room, locking the door behind her.

Emmit let out a sigh and struggled against the cuffs. If the doctor somehow worked with the cult, he was in danger. He was a sitting duck in front of a hunter. He had to get Lacch to help him. Or else, his death would be soon.

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