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“Nice to finally meet you in person, Beepo. As you know, I'm Euan MacLeod. It's great to meet you.” Euan put out his hand. A stark look on his face

Beepo slowly shook Euan's hand. It sighed. “Beepo knows it's not actually nice. Beepo knows this has to be strictly.. Beepo forgot the word- ;7#8!3##”

“Business? Yeah. That's fair. So, what's your idea?” Euan took out a paper pad and a pen. He clicked the pen a few times

“Emmit is going to the bridge. The bridge where you died. Beepo thinks we should corner him there.”

Euan slowly nodded and jotted down a few notes. “The.. Bridge.. ok. That works. One thing-” Euan dug through his bag and pulled out a noose. “I say we make his murder look like a suicide. The cops would arrest me and they would take and study you. So the best way to do this is to make him look like he killed himself.”

“Beepo thinks that's a good idea. But.. How?” Beepo shuffled around and picked up the noose. It was looking at it carefully, as if it was trying to figure out what it is.

“Knock him out with a rock, put the noose around his neck, and hang him. We can take some pictures with his body of him checking out the noose to make it look like he had it planted there. We can set up a camera to record. We will get rid of the parts where we kill him.. let's just.. make it quick. I don't want him to hurt too bad.”

“Beepo understands. Tonight Emmit shall be at the bridge. I shall see you then.”


Euan stood behind the tree by the water. He had been at the bridge for a few hours, waiting for Emmit. He was enjoying the moment. The setting sun on his back and the light breeze. The sound of the water running was calming. He leaned down and picked up the hearty rock he planned to use against Emmit. He had to admit, he was anxious. He didn't know if he would be able to kill Emmit. At this point, if nearly seemed like he was immortal. His head perked up as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

“-This place is interesting. The bridge is a great place for summoning. It has a thin line between Earth, Heaven and Hell.” Emmit's voice hummed.

“Beepo can tell..” Beepo stepped around the tree, coming into eyesight.

Euan held the rock tightly and slowly made his way up and around the tree. He could feel his heart racing as he stepped closer. This was it. Here he was. He was going to kill Emmit!

As he lifted the rock, Emmit swung around. His eyes widened as the rock was slammed down against his head. His body crumpled to the forest floor, red starting to pour from the wound hidden by his hair.

Euan could feel himself shaking. “Holy fuck..” He shook his head slowly. “What the fuck did I just do? Oh my God. I'm going to kill him. Holy fuck-” he could hardly believe what was happening

Euan took a deep breath and grabbed the noose out of his bag. His fingers shook as he took the rope. He felt like his body was in a different world. He didn't feel real. It was all so.. surreal. He couldn't believe he was standing here, unconscious bleeding Emmit at his feet and a noose in his hands. Part of him was thrilled. He would finally put a end to the terror Emmit had caused. Another part of him was horrified. He was going against the promise he made to Cody. God. Why did this have to happen? Why did things have to go wrong? At this point it was hard to believe Emmit was once a sweet child. A kind young boy turned vicious manipulative murderer. Heather would hate him for this. Despite the fact that Emmit maimed and burned his mother's corpse, she would hate that he died at the hands of someone who was loved. Someone who Emmit was once close to.

Euan put the rope around Emmit's neck. “Beepo. Help me lift him up so I can tie the rope around the tree.”

Beepo quickly floated over and lifted Emmit's body. Euan took the rope and expertly tied it around the branch. He stepped back and looked at Emmit, held up by Beepo. Emmit's eyes slowly fluttered open he let out a small huff of air and lifted his eyes to meet Euan's. Hate and malice was the only thing that could be seen. There was no soul in his eyes. He was gone. Far gone.

“This.. only proves that Lacch would hate you..I don't fucking blame them. They were right to hate you. They never loved you, they never cared. They told it to me. Wanna know what they said? Euan would just be better off if he killed himself.”

“Drop him, Beepo” Euan simply said, his voice monotone.

Beepo let go of Emmit's body. The noose tightened around his neck and he began to gag and choke, gasping for air. His struggle continued, his body thrashing about. And eventually- he went still.

Euan stood there, staring up at the fresh corpse. This was it. Emmit Wallerson was dead.

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