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"Em found Emmit. Thank God." Said Cody, running a hand through his hair. "I'll be frank, I worry about him. I know I shouldn't, after all he's done, but I want him to be ok. Get help."

Euan nodded. "Sure. What's the plan? Go in there, storm him? I hate to say it but we have to finish him off."

"No-" Cody shook his head and held Euan's hands. "Love, if there is anything you have taught me, it's that murder isn't the way to go. We are better then that. Better then him." He put a hand on Euan's cheek. "We will contact the police. He is wanted. Once he gets into jail, he will be mentally evaluated and he can get help."

Euan slowly nodded. "What if he gets out?"

Cody grew tense. "If push comes to shove, we can kill him. But that will be our last option. Ok?"

Euan smiled and held Cody's hand. "Yes. Ok." The two of them were quiet as they looked into each others eyes, comfort grew between them. Euan went on the tips of his toes and kissed Cody's head. "Ok. I will see to it that Emmit isn't hurt."

Cody smiled and went back to his desk. He sighed as he looked at the old timey telephone on his desk. "I will call the police. Send them in on Emmit's location. Euan, go with Em. She seems a bit.. Off. Talk to her."

Euan nodded and left to talk with Em.


Emmit paced back and forth in his room. "What to do, what to do?"

He could hear the door open. "Emmit! I'm back from the store love!"

That's it.
That's it!

He ran out of the room and quickly hugged Lacch. He put his hands on the side of their face and kissed them. "Lacch. Lacch I love you. I love you and I need you to do something for me because we are in love. You love me and I love you. Not just platonically."

Lacch was a surprised mess. They put their hands on their face, ran their fingers over where Emmit kissed them. "Yes.. anything. of course.. Emmit. I will do anything for you.."

"Good. Good sweet dear. You are so good. You will always do what I ask, ok? Always do what I ask and always be good for me."

Lacch nodded quickly.

"I need you to grab the knife. The cult is coming. I can feel it. I can sense Cody's plan."

"Emmit- we.. we aren't going to have to fight them? Are we?" They slowly asked as they grabbed a large knife.

Emmit walked up to Lacch, a dark glint was in his eyes. "No. No my love. We are going to frame Cody. Frame him for attempted murder."

"Why- why do I need the knife Emmit- oh no. Please my love please. Please dear. Don't make me do what I think you want me to do- please Emmie, I can't hurt you. Please love. Don't force me to hurt you."

"The wounds will look more legitimate if you do them. The angles of the cuts will give away if I did it to myself. Lacch if you really do love me, you will do this. You do love me, right? You aren't lying. You aren't a filthy liar. A terrible no good liar that's using me for my love. You love me, so you will do what I say. Got it? Understand? You're good. You're obedient."

Lacch stood there, shaking like a leaf. They slowly raised the knife. "W-what.. what.. do you.. Want me to do?"

"Cut up my face. Stab me one or two times, be quick. The police are coming"

Lacch nodded and took the knife, closing their eyes, they brought the sharp blade up to Emmit's cheek.

And they cut off a chunk of his flesh.

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