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Lacch was outside of the hospital wing of the Cults building. They were so scared, so very scared. But they had to get Emmit away from the Cult. They had to save him. It wasn't easy sneaking in there, it gave them anxiety. But it was weird, for a second, Lacch felt a sheet covering themselves.. they were able to remove it though and ever since they have, everyone has ignored them- they don't know why a sheet was covering them, or why when they took it off people couldn't see them, but it certainly made it easier to sneak into the building. It almost felt like convenient plot armor from a godly figure. Lacch wondered what that Godly figures name would be? Probably something awesome, like Tezz. What a badass. Truly one of a kind. A bit of an asshole for making everyone suffer, but still pretty badass.

Lacch coughed, what happened? They needed to get back to business.

They walked into the infirmary and glanced around. It was fairly empty. They took a few steps further into the room, glancing at all the beds. Empty, empty, not Emmit, empty. They eventually arrived at the end of the room. A large metal door caught Lacch's attention. Perhaps that's where Emmit was? They went to pull open the door. Locked.

Lacch sighed and went to turn to leave. They paused.

If you ever need to take something that.. isn't exactly yours.. you just need to get out these tools I'm going to give you- ok? Now bud, you got this. Just like how I showed you.”

Lacch looked down to their hand to see they were now holding a lockpick set. Their grip around it tightened. They didn't want to do anything that he taught them.. He never really followed the law. Stole so easily.. said it was fine cause he would only take from big businesses or take what wouldn't be missed..

They shook their head. Back to this. They grabbed the tension wrench and the pick rakes. They had to remember how to do this.

They slowly pressed in the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole and added a light bit of pressure. They bit their lip and carefully moved the pick in and slid the rake all the way to the back. Carefully moving the pick back and forth, they moved it against the pins till they were all set. The door clicked and Lacch was able to pull the door open. They sighed as they looked down at the pick and tension wrench. They faced their attention back to the door. They pulled it open and glanced around the room. There Emmit sat on the bed, pulling at the cuff on his arm.

“Emmie!” Cheered Lacch as they ran up to him.

Emmit flinched and looked around swiftly. His eyes settled on Lacch and a look of horror formed on his face. “Oh my God.. what's wrong with your face?”

Lacch felt their smile fade. They looked down at themselves. They were no longer invisible. They brought their hand up to their face. It was warm and wet. Skin was peeling up and off of their face. Pulling their hands back, they were covered in blood.

“You look like when- the truck-” Emmit shook his head. “Take the sheet off the bed over there. Cover up. I don't want to look at your face.”

“Yes..” whispered Lacch as they walked over to the bed and grabbed the sheet off of it. They draped it over themself. “I'm sorry I made you look at me..”

“Yeah, whatever. Just get me out of here” Emmit moved and put out his handcuffed hand. Lacch quickly went over and fumbled with the lock. It clicked open.

Emmit rubbed his wrist and sat up. “Did you bring me a weapon?”

“Weapon? Why would you need a weapon?” Asked Lacch, reaching back in their pocket and wrapping their hand around their pocket knife.

“Oh, sweetie, you know we may have to fight our way through. I know you have something I can use. Don't lie. Your shoulders tense up when you lie. I know this.” Emmit reached out his hand, expectantly.

Lacch slowly grabbed their knife out of their pocket and put it in Emmit's hand. “Yes.. here you go”

Emmit took the knife and held it in the air. He smiled. “My friend." He whispered to the blade. "It's so lovely to hold you once more.. We shall see rubies together.” He looked over to Lacch. “Do we have a place to stay?”

“Yes. I have a hotel room but we need to find somewhere new, the cult was able to track me down.” They paused as the sound of footsteps came closer.

Emmit pushed Lacch back into the corner and hid by the side of the door, knife in hand. The footsteps grew closer and closer. Voices slowly becoming audible.

“-Will work. I just hope that we can have it figured out before we get any more developments with his memory.”

“Yeah, thanks Sirona. Gods.. I'm scared to go in there, last time I saw him he tried to kill me- you sure he really lost his memory? You sure it's safe?”

“Yes Euan. I have him restrained. We will be fine-”

She opened the door and walked in, Euan close behind. She paused and her eyes went wide as she saw Emmit's empty bed. She turned around just in time to see Emmit pull Euan back and put a knife to his neck.

“We don't want any problems here.” He hissed out. “I'm not afraid to kill this fucker a second time.” He laughed. “Heya Euan..”

Euan glared back at Emmit, his eyes suddenly softened as he saw Lacch in the corner. “Lacch-”

Emmit pressed harder on the knife. “Shh. Let's be quiet. I'm going to figure this out.. mkay?”

Lacch slowly stepped forward and shook their head. “Emmie.. I don't-” they paused, thinking on their words. “I don't want you to hurt Euan.”

Emmit paused. The room was dead silent as he stood there, holding the knife against Euan's neck. Lacch's words sat heavy. “Too bad.”

With those words, Emmit slit Euan's throat.

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