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“How's Sirona?” Asked Euan as he sat on the bed, crocheting. “Any word on Emmit's condition?”

Cody nodded and sat on the bed with Euan. He leaned against the backboard and pulled Euan into his lap. He rested his head on Euan's. “It's interesting. Sirona claims that Emmit has lost his memory.”

Euan paused for a second. He set down his hook. “Is this so? Are we still going to- to kill him? I have the poison. Sirona just has to inject it into his IV”

“..No. Despite all he's done, it's wrong to kill him. If he truly did lose his memory, it's possible we can help him. We can reform him into a good person. It will be a slow and delicate process, but I believe we can do it.” Cody lightly grabbed Euan's chin and tilted his face up. He kissed him softly before sighing and wrapping his arms around him.

Euan rested his head against Cody’s chest and went back to crocheting. “Is there anything he does remember?”

“Em. He remembers Em. He sees her as someone good who worked for bad people.. We need to show that we aren't bad. That we are here to help him.” He sighed. “Perhaps I should try to contact Devin. Inform them on the situation. I do not know how aware they are of the cult, as we have never made direct contact, but they have to be aware of Emmit, after all, he did try to kill them.”

“Do we really want to contact Devin though? It's risky. We have promised to keep them out of this. One of the reasons why you continued to grow the cult is to protect Devin. Would involving them be the best idea?”

“I don't know, darling. I don't know.” He sighed and held Euan closer. He shut his eyes and rested his head against Euans. “You're doing so good..”

Euan paused again and looked back up at Cody. “What do you mean?”

“You are opening up more. We had the.. incident.. the other day, but you pulled through beautifully. My love, I know you struggle. You lose motivation, you feel lost and alone, but you are doing wonderful. You are telling me when you are struggling, you are pulling through. You don't get mad when I stop you from harming yourself. You are finding other- safer- ways to cope. You aren't getting high everytime something bad happens. You are figuring out better ways.. I love you so damn much and I'm so proud of you. I know I have my moments where.. I get bad. I am violent. But you are always able to stay calm. Stay calm and guide me. Help me through those dark moments where all I see is red. The moment in which all I desire is death. You help me through that. You allow me to embrace the light and improve myself. You allow me to be by your side. You allow me to kiss you up and down your body. You allow me to be here for you. Even if you are still hesitant for a relationship, not yet sure if you should consider me your partner; not yet sure if you're ready to be committed, I understand that. My love, I adore you. I will wait by your side until you are ready to accept me as your lover, your partner, and-if you eventually allow it..” he took Euan's hands into his own. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful diamond and black agate ring. “Your husband.” He slipped the ring onto Euan's finger and smiled at him softly. “Take this ring as my promise to you that I will always be by your side. Forever, through life and death I will be yours. I hope in time, we can bond no only with our hearts, but in matrimony.”

Cody suddenly let out a small laugh and looked to the side, his cheeks warm. “Sorry.. if that got too.. personal.”

Euan stared at him in shock, his cheeks a bright red. He tripped and stumbled over his words before hiding his face in Cody's chest.

Cody laughed and put his hand on Euan's head. “I'm sorry darling, I went to far, didn't I? I apologi-”

Euan lifted up his head and kissed Cody. He broke out into a fit of laughter and giggles as he rolled around on the bed. He got up and moved to straddle Cody. He kissed him and hugged him tight. “I think I'm ready to be your boyfriend.. I can't wait forever. I've been thinking about it and.. hey. No time like the present.” He put his forehead against Cody's. “And I wouldn't spend my present any different. I would love to spend it with you. Forever and always..”

Cody's hands intertwined with Euan's. “Forever and always..”

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