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Lacch sat behind the wheel of the car, messing with the wires. “I don't get it, Eu. What am I supposed to do? Why are you teaching me this?”

“Hey, ever need a quick getaway, hotwire a car. Plus if màthair and athair ever take away your keys when you wanna drive when you get your license, just do this! One thing though, most modern cars are a pain in the ass to hotwire, so I recommend only practicing on older cars.”

“Watch your language..” muttered Lacch as they held the three bundles of wires.

“Yeah, whatever, bucko. I'm sixteen. I can say whatever the fuck I want.” Teased Euan, ruffling Lacch's hair.

Lacch scoffed and pointed back at the wires. “Whatever.. what do I do?”

Euan leaned down and looked close at the wires. He hummed before pointing to the wire that led up to the steering column. “Take that one. And now, take the battery, ignition, and starter wire bundle- got that-?”

Lacch slowly did as they were told before nodding up at Euan. “Got it.” 

“Ok. Good job bud. Now, in this car, as you see here, you have multiple different colored wires. Some cars have different color wires, so always look up what wire is what on different cars. For this one, the red wire is the battery, the yellow wire is the starter, and the brown wire is the ignition. Take that tool there- yep. That one.. And take off about a inch of insulation of the wire. Wrap them together and use this black tape. It's electricians tape.”

Lacch carefully follow instructions. They shrugged as their long ginger hair fell into their face. They leaned back and took a hair tie off their wrist and used it to pull their hair up. They went back to the wires and carefully wrapped the tape around them.

“Good.. good. Now, see that wire there? The ignition? Connect that with the battery wire. Do that and-”

As Lacch wrapped the two wires together, the radio stuttered on, a bit of static erupting from it before clearing up.

“Great job! We are almost done-”

Lacch gave Euan a small smile. “I actually did it- huh. What's next, Eu?”

Euan’s face grew serious as he looked at Lacch. “This next part is a bit dangerous, so do as I say and don't fool around, ok?”

“Ok!” Said Lacch, their smile growing.

“strip the starter wire about half an inch. Be careful. The wire is live and it can shock you.. you die, I'll kill you- well.. actually màthair would kill me first, but.. you get the point. Be careful.” Euan watched as Lacch carefully stripped the wire. He nodded. “Good. Now touch that to the connected end of the battery wires.”

They touched the two wires and the car roared to life. Lacch smiled widely. “That was easy!”

“We aren't done! Rev the engine a few times or else it may stall out.. Ok? Good job.” 

Lacch slowly revved the engine. The car let out a happy purr, telling the siblings that it was awake. “Alright! You can disconnect the starter wire now. There isn't much left. We just have to break the steering lock.”

Lacch nodded and sat up straight, putting their hands on the wheel. “Whatchya want me to do, boss?”

“There are two ways to do this. Let's start with the easy way. Put your hands on the wheel, and yank it as hard as you can.”

Lacch held the wheel tight and swiftly twisted it to the side. Nothing happened. They tried again, harder this time. Nothing once more. “I can't get it.” They said. “I'm not strong enough.”

“That's ok! Here, grab the screwdriver. Just push it under that metal plate and pop it right off. That should do the trick.”

Lacch did as they were told and popped it off, the steering lock broke with a click. Lacch and Euan high fived, a smile on both of their faces. “You did great, bud! Maybe one day you will be talented as your big brother when it comes to these sneaky little tricks.”

“Like I said Eu- I love you, but stealing and stuff isn't my thing. I will learn it because I like hanging out with you and it's funny to know how to do this stuff, but I really don't want to do any bad crimes. Thank you anyways though! You're the best big brother ever!”

Euan hugged Lacch and smiled down at them. “I love you, bud. Always will.”

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